This Monday there was a moment of emotion The 8 steps of the 2 million (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 21.15), the cycle led by Guido Kaczka, when the winner decides donate the prize
Hernan Parada he had already won six million last week and this Monday he returned to continue his record. However, when he added another two million he had a peculiar gesture.
The last question he solved with was: “What is the name of the royal family of Qatar, host of the World Cup, composed of a sheik, three wives and 13 children?
The options were: Bernadotte, chosen by Georgina, her rival, Zelenski, Saud e Al Tani. The latter, chosen by Hernán, was the right one.
“Eight million pesos, Hernán Parada, the best winner in the history of the 8 steps. 38 years old, who works for an information security company. He lives in Villa Ballester with his partner Romina. Josefina and Joaquín are their children. Recently he was received as an announcer. He has eight million with which he will do anything,” Guido expressed excitedly.
The judging panel included Nicole Neumann, José Chatruc, Jimena Monteverde and sisters Iliana and Marina Calabró. “A pleasure to have a television program that rewards knowledge“He kept the last, praising the El Trece cycle.
So, Kaczka made a proposal to the winner, using the new mode of the program. Which? That of giving the winner the chance to give a side to your opponent.
“Hernán, tomorrow you can go for 10 million pesos, or, you know, this way, take 6 million pesos and 2 million pesos you give to Georgina”, explained the animator.
“Marina recently took the words out of my mouth, I’m glad there is a program that rewards knowledge”, began the winner, referring to what was previously said by Calabró.
“I strongly believe that education and knowing frees us from all slaveryNo one can enslave us to anything if we can decide for ourselves,” he continued.
“I also believe that in a world of so much hatred there is also solidarity, and I came here for a dream. I will be able to set up my studio, the family project will not be fully covered, but it is a giant leap from having nothing, so If Georgina agrees, I’d like to give her the last two million.”, the winner elaborated.
The finalist was moved by her partner’s gesture and exclaimed: “Oh thank you!!! You are the most, you are the most”. And she hugged him emotionally. “Much Deserved”Hernán told him.
Regarding the new cycle mode, Mariana reflected: “We said it on the radio with (Jorge) Lanata: The boy is crazy. Who will give up two million? Why give up what you had to earn so hard which is a lot of money… I have tears in my eyes. I can’t believe your generosity and dedication.”
“I said the first program, I came for a dreamand I firmly believe that one must desire dreams so badly that the universe has no other possibility but to give it to you, and another must have the possibility of making it come true,” Hernán replied.
Finally, the winner wanted to flatter his references on the small screen. “Let me tell you, I grew up with two television hunks. I learned to read with Berugo Carámbula with dare to dream and I grew up she dances with Johnny Tolengo and just today her two daughters are“said the young man referring to the character played by Juan Carlos Calabró and made the sisters cry.
Source: Clarin