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“Being sick is not getting sick”: a harsh open letter from Alberto Cormillot’s wife

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Stephanie Pasquiniwife of Alberto Cormillot, shared this Thursday an extensive text on his social networks talking about those people who live with a disease or suffer one.

In detail, the nutritionist and mother of Emilio, fruit of his love with the famous doctor, turned to his story of instagramwhere 140,000 users follow it, to reflect on everyone’s feelings and emotions who is going through a difficult time both for your health and that of a loved one.

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“Today I wanted to share this… For those who live with an illness or with someone who suffers from an illness, on the one hand to reflect that feeling like this is normal,” Estefanía began in the comments of said post .

And she added, mobilized: “And on the other hand being able to understand it sometimes people have bad answers or don’t have good days, And I’m not condoning it, but they get criticized, or they suddenly become the worst people, they get treated badly… But who knows what’s happening to them, right?

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“That’s why I think it’s good before attacking ask: ‘are you okay?‘. And if there’s no option to do that, think you might be experiencing something difficult,” she added.

In the text, the nutritionist begins by saying: “Being sick is not the same thing as getting sick. It is not something momentary, like a cold that comes and goes. It is a continuous state that changes you and forces you to face an unknown situation at all times, the uncertainty of what awaits you when a new day arrives”.

“It takes away your physical energy like a storm, it takes you away from your job, from your friends, sometimes even from your family. It takes your breath away, it diminishes your beliefs and your illusions. It absorbs your hopes and turns them into fear“, he continued to write.

Thus, Emilio Cormillot’s mother indicated: “In this painful trance you have to set yourself goals, draw up a plan, go ahead and enjoy every little breath of happiness that life’s little pleasures offer you“.

Then Pasquini listed some of those pleasures: “A smile, a hug, a kiss, a slice of cake, an unexpected phone call, a walk, a sunset, the smell of sea saltpeter, grass on your feet, picking up some guitar strings, pages full of embossed words…”.

And I add: “And many other things that when you’re healthy are worth almost nothing and when you’re sick they are worth a whole world…”.

“Every day many people are faced with the challenge of living with their disease, of not allowing themselves to be trapped the storm of despair and hopelessnessto go forward with our feet on the ground, our eyes raised and the desire for health like a flag”, she concluded, visibly moved.

“It’s good to read this! I suffer from lupus, it’s hard every day, but I try to put the will, strength and carry on”, “thank you, careful reflection, permission, I will share” and “mThank you so much for sharing what many of us suffer from and are not always heard or understood.for your reflection that makes us feel accompanied” were some of the comments received by Estefanía.


Source: Clarin

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