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Actress Haydée Padilla, famous for her character ‘La Chona’, has died.

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Haydee Padillathe actress who became famous for her character “La Chona”died at the age of 86, as confirmed by the Argentine Association of Actors through their social networks.

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“We deeply regret the death of actress Haydée Padilla, a member of our union since 1966. She had an outstanding career in theatre, film, television and radio. Her character as ‘La Chona’ made her very popular,” the actors said. reported association. .

“Our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones, accompanying them in this moment of sadness. His death occurred this morning in the city of Mar del Plata, where he lived with his daughter,” they added.

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Also dancer and lookout

Attracted to dance as a child, Haydee Padilla studied at the National Dance Conservatory and began her artistic career in the world of independent theater, in works such as the two-bit opera Y The Borgo of the Jewish Quarter.

She also dabbled in revue theater, as a lookout in the casts of the Teatro Astros and the Cómico.

In the cinema, in 1965 he made his first appearance in the film the attackerby René Mujica. You have participated in fifteen films. The following year she made a big impact with Romeo and Julietromantic drama based on the classic work by William Shakespeare and with the main roles of Rodolfo Bebán and Evangelina Salazar.

In 1973 he starred in a comedy with brothers Hugo and Gerardo Sofovich in The Knights of the Round Bedpandering to humor greats such as Alberto Olmedo, Jorge Porcel, Tristán and Marcos Zucker.

Consecration with La Chona

His full consecration came in the 70s with his character La Chona, who also had a lunch schedule, parodying Mirtha Legrand. He was called At lunch with La Chonawhere he chatted with guests and drank mate.

In that same decade, she recorded the telenovela Piel naranja (1975) on Channel 13, where she played Yolanda, the friend of Clarita (Marilina Ross) and employee of Don Joaquín’s (RAÚL Rossi) shop. You represented with Federico Luppi the theatrical success El gran deschave, by Sergio De Cecco and Armando Chulak. In 1981 she performed on Radio Miter with her character “La Chona”. In that station you worked with Juan Carlos Altavista and Mario Sánchez in El clan del aire, from the 70s.

New in development

Source: Clarin

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