Home Entertainment Harvey Weinstein pleaded guilty to three other counts of rape and sexual assault

Harvey Weinstein pleaded guilty to three other counts of rape and sexual assault

Harvey Weinstein pleaded guilty to three other counts of rape and sexual assault

In one unique case, Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was pleaded guilty in Los Angeles to three new counts of rape and sexual assault occurred between 2005 and 2013, for which he could receive a sentence of between 18 and 24 years.

The former producer, one of the most powerful in the Hollywood film industry, faced seven charges in total, from four women, but the jury could not agree on the other four charges, according to US media reports.

The charges against Weinstein were two cases of forcible rape, two cases of sexual assault by restraint, two cases of forced oral copulation, and another of penetration with a foreign object, all of which occurred in luxury hotel rooms in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills. , at a time when Weinstein was one of the strongest men in Hollywood.

A future in prison

Of all of these charges, Weinstein was found guilty of forcible rape, forced oral copulation, and penetration with a foreign object. Among the women who accused him is Jennifer Siebel Newsom, wife of the Governor of CaliforniaGavin Newsom, who thus joins the dozens of victims of the former producer over many years.

Through a press release, Jennifer Newsom expressed: “Harvey Weinstein will never rape another woman. He will spend the rest of his life behind bars, where he belongs. Harvey Weinstein is a serial predator and what he did was rape.”

And he added: “Throughout the process, Weinstein’s lawyers used tactics of sexism, misogyny and harassment to intimidate, humiliate and ridicule us to the survivors. This process has been a stark reminder that we as a society have work to do. To all survivors: I see you, I hear you and I’m with you.”

Message from the Governor of California

For her part, her husband, the governor of California, had his say “incredibly proud” of his wife and “of all the brave women who have come forward to share their truth,” while encouraging countless survivors who, for various reasons, they are unable to go public.

“Her strength, courage and conviction are a powerful example and inspiration to all of us. We must continue to fight to ensure that women survivors are supported and their voices are heard,” the official said.

Now we will have to wait until next year for the appeals, both in the cases in which he was convicted and also in those in which he was acquitted, for the charges to be reconsidered. The jury’s work had begun on December 2nd and his work lasted for around ten days.

Until now, Harvey Weinstein has been accused by over a hundred womenin different countries and currently He is serving a 23-year prison sentence.after being found guilty of rape and sexual assault by a New York court in 2020.

Since July 2021, the former owner of the production company Miramax Films who has made major projects such as New York gang, Kill Bill Y pulp Fictionamong many others, he is serving his sentence at Twin Towers Correctional Center in downtown Los Angeles, after being extradited from New York.

WD extension

Source: Clarin


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