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Barby Franco and Fernando Burlando introduced Sarah and revealed the difficult moment they experienced in the operating room

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Barbie Franco and Fernando Burlando They became parents to Sarah last Sunday after many years of struggle. This Thursday, the couple made the official presentation of the baby girl show partners (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 11am), where they shared both their emotion as the difficult moments experienced at the time of childbirth.

The piece of furniture was made inside the Burlando and Barby villa, located in the Barrio Parque. The first to introduce himself was the lawyer, who assured that these first days of paternity have kept him very busy. “I’m not in a normal state, I am weakened“, he confessed while showing his unkempt hair, very different from how it is usually shown.

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“It was too much joy for my life. We fought a lot about Sarita“, he expressed, excitedly.

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“It was great. We were calm at first but the last day before giving birth was devastating, It was the most stressful day of my life. Later, when I entered the operating room, I calmed down,” Burlando said.

A few minutes later, Barby appeared with Sarita in her arms and joined the ticket. The model said so delivery was by planned cesarean section because I had very high blood pressure. And he told how the lawyer, who should have been monitored throughout the process, experienced the delivery. “Mocking almost died, there was a cardiologist in the operating room for him, he was greatly assisted”Detailed Barbie.

Regarding the exact time of birth, Barby expressed: “I saw the monitors, I saw that everything was fine. I saw that Burlando was fine. And when he was born he touched the sky with his hands. When I heard her cry, the world stopped. When she touched my skin she calmed down.”

But the model said when she got home she has been suffering health complications ever since He had high blood pressure again: “When I got home I had a crisis, my blood pressure was 14.9”.

About her new mom routine, she said: “I hardly ever sleep but I don’t get tired. It’s a beautiful journey.”

At the same time, Burlando gave advice to those women who are struggling to get pregnant. “I tell him to relax. We were with a very powerful medical treatment and we didn’t reach the goal and when we said ‘that’s it, let’s not try again’, Sarah came along,” she said.

“You have to relax, be calm, trust love and nothing else,” Burlando said. And he stressed the importance of faith. “Barby gave herself to the Virgin of Luján. And we “asked” for this baby in Salta and I reached out to our friends there to tell them we’ll be back soon.”

For her part, the model emphasized her sacrifice. “It was tough. It was 5 years of physical effort. I appreciate having a partner by my side like him who is always 100%. I’m tired but I look at it and it seems to me that it’s over here. And I think, ‘how come he hasn’t touched me before’?

In this new stage, Fernando, who already has two almost 30-year-old daughters, said he changed his diapers again. “I clean the umbilical cord and everything. I’m going to make a tutorial on how to change diapers.”

From the studio, Rodrigo Lussich and Adrián Pallares wanted to know what Sarita looks like. “She’s very pretty. When they came to see her, they all said she’s beautiful. And they also told me that he is just like me. So they boosted my ego”Mocking counted.

As for the choice of name, the lawyer said so Sarah has a biblical connotation. “With a very similar story to the one we had to go through. She was a woman who couldn’t have children and finally did.”


Source: Clarin

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