Home Entertainment Jorge Rial had to leave his live radio show: “I’m destroyed, I can’t go on like this”

Jorge Rial had to leave his live radio show: “I’m destroyed, I can’t go on like this”

Jorge Rial had to leave his live radio show: “I’m destroyed, I can’t go on like this”

George Rial (61) had to retire from the sky before finishing his radio show, Argentzuela (Radio 10, from Monday to Friday at 10), due to a medical complication.

The driver, who was not feeling well, wrote down before leaving: “I’m destroyed, I can’t go on like this.”

“I caught cold, I don’t know… I don’t know if it was the air conditioners, the weather changes or what. I’ve been like this for two days. I’m a disaster. Today I am this. Yesterday was a busy day too.”assured Rial, who explained that his “voice is taken” and that the temperature changes of the last few days have played against him.

Rial, who left an hour before the end of his radio show, added: “I’m running out of voice. I want to tell people that I don’t give more. I’m leaving soon because I am physically destroyed. Now I’m going to bed, I have a few lines of fever, but tomorrow I’ll be fine”.

Rial was also absent from his television cycle

For this reason Rial was not present in the television version of Argenzuela (C5N, Monday to Friday at 15:00) on Wednesday 21 December and Thursday 22 December, replaced on the first day by Damián Rojo and then by Diego Brancatelli and Mariana Brey.

As detailed, the journalist and the driver were absent due to a “feverish picture” and also reported that a Covid test was carried out which gave them a negative result.


Source: Clarin


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