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Big Brother 2022: Mora broke the live broadcast after arguing with Agustín

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the night of the ex It ended up being a hot show that had it all: shouts, cries, fights and promises of new tactics. It all started while Roberto Funes Ugarte spoke with the candidates to return to the house of Big Brother next Monday, when people will vote for two players in between Agustín, Tomás, La Tora, Martina, Juan, Cata, Daniela and Mora.

In this context, each of them told the strategy they prepare in case of entry into the house. and just like Daniela changed her nickname from Pestaniela to VenganielaIn relation to his promise to take revenge on Coti and El Cone for what they did to him, Agustín also responded on how he intends to play.

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In addition, at one point he referred to the other participants expelled from the house and he angered them when he assured them people had kicked them out for upsetting him and not because they were wrong.

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“They spent a month and a half telling me everything, making up a lot of things. People saw him and for a reason he left the house. If they think they left home because they played badly, they are wrong.”, he fired, to the indignation of the other “little brothers”.

“Instead of apologizing, they stay the same and haven’t changed at all. They told me everything, they invented aberrations about me even inside and outside the house. They messed up my sexuality. They raised the flag of empathy and told me everything”, he complained, surely as part of his new victimization strategy, to win votes and return to reality.

Therefore Mora reacted and, almost screaming, answered Agustín: “To begin with, basically what you are saying is a lie because I told you the first day that I didn’t believe you at all but that I apologized. You told me you believed my apology and thanked me,” he reminded her.

“According to, They are the first to be judged for their sexuality from day one. Nobody could believe that I had a boyfriend, that I wasn’t a lesbian, and that’s not why I go out and talk about Agustín. What he says annoys me,” he said. Right after that he covered his face with both hands because his anguish didn’t allow him to keep talking anymore.

The cyclist tried to calm her down and Several of her companions also came to contain her. Until finally La Tora took the floor to continue answering Frodo, while Mora recovered.

Daniela has become Venganiela

Another of the candidates to return to the house is Daniela. consulted by Ximena Capristo about what she intended to do with Thiago if the people voted for her, he was blunt: “I am no longer Pestaniela. Now I am Venganiela, because I intend to take revenge on those who hurt me”he has declared.

That’s how the mysterious became and said it “They’ll find out”, when they pressed her to say whether she would hug Thiago pretending she didn’t know what he was saying about her, or confront him directly and expose him.

He replied something similar about Coti and the cone, which they have become their main enemies within the house, if it returns. “Now I won’t look for friends. I will try to win”, ruled on his change of attitude.


Source: Clarin

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