Home Entertainment Big Brother 2022: Juliana complained after her abrupt expulsion and said she didn’t feel cared for

Big Brother 2022: Juliana complained after her abrupt expulsion and said she didn’t feel cared for

Big Brother 2022: Juliana complained after her abrupt expulsion and said she didn’t feel cared for

After Monday night’s explosive gala, where the expulsion of Julianathe presence of the brunette in The debatewith Santiago del Morofor Get your opinion on what happened.

Mostly for the way she was taken out of the house, where Big Brother didn’t allow her to greet her companions. And he didn’t even let her take her suitcase with her things, because “You have to go right away,” she told him. Above all to avoid any other comment from the outside that could jeopardize the isolation.

“I’m a little angry, but it’s okay”, Juliana began in first response. Then Del Moro reviewed his brief return and the consequences of what he did. The footage also showed Maxi wanting to leave the house and his companions trying to convince him to stay.

When they consulted her about her expulsion, Tini felt that “The right thing would have been a preventive sanction, because I never knew. They didn’t inform me of this, I think it would have been the right thing to do. The direct ejection seemed very strong to me. It was also reckless that they took me out like this, without even letting me carry my things.‘ she complained.

However, he downplayed the situation when he said that “I’ve already won, they chose me among many. I went out and managed to get back in. I’m grateful for all of that.”

Then the driver let him know “Big Brother doesn’t kick anyone out like that. Now we’ll see why they took you out”and asked for a tape to share with her, trying to make her understand her mistakes.

After seeing the compilation with its repeated glitches, and accused of breaking isolation, the player expressed that “I felt that they weren’t relevant comments or that they could change something in the game. I went crazy with Thiago when I said what Daniela would do if he came back”, he acknowledged.

The presenters of the program showed him that Big Brother warned him of his actions on several occasions. “I don’t justify myself here. I admit to having a big mouth, but I never thought it would be grounds for deportation. Otherwise I wouldn’t have said them. Even once in the confessional I asked for the errors to be detailed, because I could not understand it,” Juliana said.

Regarding the accusation he received of sending people to shout things at the Maxi, he clarified that “I didn’t send anyone special. Rather, I told the fans who wrote to me to go and encourage them,” he explained.

They also reproached him for saying who is strong and who is not away from home. “It was my appreciation. In fact I always said Marcos was strong”, he justified. “It’s not because I heard it out,” she added, not realizing the seriousness of her attitude.

“It’s not that I don’t mind being in or out of the house. Had I known the fine was that extreme, I wouldn’t have gone so far in my mouth“When questioned about his attitude, he acknowledged that it made almost no difference to him whether he was inside the house or not.

About what you said The Torahwho may go home for the repechage, acknowledged that “it was unnecessary and perhaps influenced from within. But I didn’t do it out of malice. I didn’t think those comments would impact other players.“.

“I didn’t feel cared for. They shipped my suitcase to me in installments and I was distressed by the way they took me out”he complained about what happened at Monday’s gala.

Then Santiago del Moro explained that this was happening all over the world with this format and stressed that it set a precedent and that those who have entered now are careful not to repeat the experience.

Max’s farewell

Elsewhere in the show, Juliana was shown how Maxi spent the day saying goodbye to her classmates. She looked sad. “He’s already big and knows what he’s doing. But other than mine, it’s been a long time since she felt comfortable at home,” Juliana reflected.

Regarding Maxi’s reaction to his expulsion, Juliana stated that “It breaks my soul how Maxi has been affected by my departure. I distress and feel responsible for him. I hope you stay.”

“I want to leave. I ask for the love of God that they take me out”, the Cordovan said in the confessional, looking at the camera. Later, speaking to his companions who tried to convince him to stay, he said that “I prefer to go and greet each of you like this”.

They later showed when Maxi acknowledged that “I would like to leave before my birthday. I’m not having fun. If possible, I would like to leave immediately,” he repeated on Monday evening, after his partner’s expulsion.

I’m sorry he’s leaving now because he’s come a long way. But she is very sentimental and misses her friends and family. Even the fact that I left hit him again. I feel it’s partly my fault, but his family has something to do with it too,” Tini analyzed.


Source: Clarin


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