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Zaira Nara whitewashed her romance with polo player Facundo Pieres in a top event

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Almost a year after the rumors of a crisis with her ex-partner and father of her two children began, Jacob von Plessenand versions of deal with Facundo PieresIn the end Zaira Nara and the polo player confirmed their romance.

Bleaching took place in a exclusive event which took place this Wednesday evening at east point, Uruguaywhere the model and host traveled with her family to say goodbye to the year and, incidentally, fulfill some work commitments.

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Although Zaira has only shared on her networks the images of her elegant look for the inauguration of the Grand Hotel in Punta del Este, as well as her meeting with Susana Gimenez Y Mercedes Sarabayrousethe diva’s daughter, at dawn this Thursday Pictures of her and Facundo went viral animatedly chatting with the driver and Marcello Tinelli.

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In a series of videos he posted faces Wanda Nara’s younger sister is seen talking to the former chauffeur of sing with me now (El Trece) while her boyfriend, who wears a much more casual look than hers, does it animatedly with the cell phone diva.

As published facesthe Argentinian TV star told Zaira: “You’re with a bomb!!”. And, immediately afterwards, it was Wanda’s sister who called her partner to integrate him into the long-lasting chat at the reception of the aforementioned hotel.

Jakob, for his part, has uploaded his own stories of instagram several images from Patagoniatheir place in the world and one of the places they and Zaira had chosen to raise their children when they weren’t in Buenos Aires.

currently, neither the model nor the polo player spoke to the press or they manifested themselves in their networks about their relationship. In fact, apart from this public appearance of the two of them together, the only one indication what tied them up until a few days ago, beyond the indiscretions, was that he had started following her on instagram.

Rumors about the romance between Zaira Nara and Facundo Pieres began with a scandal: was there infidelity?

Zaira Nara Y Facundo Pieres They have been lovingly related since March, just a month after split versions of her and Jacob von Plessen.

The scoop has been given show partners (El Trece, at 11) when they said the model allegedly exchanged messages with the polo player and slyly recalled the courtship he had years ago with Paula Chaves, Zaira’s best friend.

Obviously it was a long time ago (the courtship between Facundo and Paula), and she has no relationship with him‘ he said then Paula Varelathe speaker of the aforementioned cycle, who also said that the polo player had separated from his wife in December 2021.

Varela also provided details on the beginnings of the relationship between Zaira and the famous athlete. “They were having a meeting in Wellington, close by You love me, and automatically, since this rumor began to spread, they no longer follow each other on the networks. Why did they follow each other…” she said.

For his part, Luli Fernándezwhich is known to Zaira, confirmed on that occasion that the model was “in a very deep crisis” with the father of her children and for this she was “very sad just like him”.

Facundo Pieres’ reaction to the question about his romance with Zaira Nara

Meanwhile, Pieres seemed relaxed but reluctant to comment on the matter just a few weeks ago when a reporter from Partner… she approached him to ask him some questions after a game and he warned her: “Look, I’m not talking, eh”.

“Your relationship with Zaira, courtship, friendship? How’s your heart?”the reporter asked Santiago Riva Roy without getting the desired response.

However, to avoid long faces or more similar questions, the polo player He gave him a football autographed by himself and finished the card.


Source: Clarin

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