Home Entertainment Andrea Taboada stopped Fernanda Iglesias to death: “Do you want to come and beat me again?”, he asked

Andrea Taboada stopped Fernanda Iglesias to death: “Do you want to come and beat me again?”, he asked

Andrea Taboada stopped Fernanda Iglesias to death: “Do you want to come and beat me again?”, he asked

A heated debate ensued THEY (America, Monday to Friday at 8pm) as in the midst of a discussion about the conflict between Camila Homs, Rodrigo de Paul and Tini Stoessel, with insults, threats and prosecution involvedthe tension on the floor was building.

It all started when panache angel opened the topic and gave the floor to Estefi Berardi of the apartment and to Yanina Latorre, who interrupted her vacation in Miami to Follow the fight they had this afternoon on Twitter.

The discussion came first on the alleged ill-treatment that Tini reserved for the footballer’s childrenaccording to Berardi, information denied by Yanina Latorre, who, on the contrary, assured that in Stoessel’s recital at the Campo Argentino de Polo, the daughter of Camila Homs and Rodrigo de Paul was in the dressing room with the singer and the wave between them ” she was amazing. The girl is divine and she idolizes her,” he said.

Subsequently, the exchange of views was linked to the holidays that the national team midfielder took with his girlfriend, without the children. Already Rodrigo’s attitude in seeing Tini before the little oneswhen he arrived victorious from the World Cup in Qatar.

They also added information from the criminal trial that De Paul initiated against Camila Homs for insults and threats, until Andrea Taboada asked to speak. “The information that I manage and that I will put into potential is that What is happening in court will be very costly for Camila’s family“.

“Because what I understood is that De Paul helped his father a lot in matters that have to do with complicated situations with justice. I would have put up a lot of money so that Camila’s father could escape of situations related to strange and unclear affairs”, added the journalist, careful with her words to avoid a conflict.

Until in the background we heard that Fernanda Iglesias wanted to limit something, a situation that made Taboada uncomfortable. “If you let me finish speaking and complete the sentence, we’ll understand”He stopped her, without hiding the anger that situation generated in him.

“are you angry”Iglesias insisted, “No, no, no, I’m just telling you to let me finish talking. Because if you interrupt me… Do you want to come and beat me, like last time!“, turned, already off axis, the speaker.

“You get very angry,” Fernanda repeated, prompting an immediate reaction from her panelmate. “If you want, come and slap me like last time”, his colleague said in a broken voice. “Come on, come on,” Iglesias replied, showing discomfort at the situation. “Yes, yes, give it to her. I won’t forget,” Taboada repeated, referring to a violent episode they experienced in 2016.

“Hay, you’re very angry,” Iglesias continued. To which Andrea repeated the phrase of “Do you want to come and beat me to silence me like you did the last time on Canale Thirteen?” until Ángel de Brito made a comment on the matter and calmed things down.

The antecedent of the fight in 2016

The reference made by Andrea Taboada to an attack by Fernanda Iglesias has something to do with it an episode that occurred in February 2016 when they were both speakers us in the morningcycle conducted at that time by Fabiano Doman in El Trece.

The situation has reversed from that of tonight THEY, since the one who had the floor was Fernanda Iglesias, who was expressing her opinion on a picket related to the arrest of Milagro Salas, and was interrupted by her partner. Although His reaction was to stick her on the arm, which led to a complaint by Taboada.

“Ah, this madwoman is not! You are crazy! Find yourself, Fernanda, I won’t tell you anymore! Find yourself!he shouted. “I just can’t finish it,” Iglesias defended himself. “You finish speaking, but you can’t attack. You’re crazy head, boluda!. Well, sorry for the rant. Finish talking,” Taboada closed, overwhelmed by what had just happened.


Source: Clarin


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