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I transcended the details of the millionaire economic agreement between Camila Homs and Rodrigo De Paul

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Although the latest news relating to Camila Homs and Rodrigo De Paul were all linked to insults, quarrels and even complaints filed in Justice, a few hours ago the economic deal they reached transcended with the intervention of their respective lawyers.

The person in charge of disseminating the information was panache angel who drove THEY (America, Monday to Friday at 20:00) from Punta del Este, the city where the model is spending the summer.

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Moreover, from that place was where Videos in which Camila was seen singing against her ex have gone viral and adding to the insults against Tini Stoesselplayer’s partner.

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“This agreement has been signed with the current lawyers of the two parties,” the driver began. Clarify later that Homs had had other lawyers before. “Remember that (Ignacio) Trimarco was left on the street and they still owe you taxes. With him then it rots and ends as it ends, with the lawyer that counts THEY everything that happened between them”.

So yes, the reporter provided details of the agreement reached by both partiesbeyond the litigation they hold in court for assault situations, media complaints and allegations between them.

“What is signed and is already being fulfilled is the following: 10% of Rodrigo de Paul’s net salary as a monthly fee. That’s $30,000 a month This has to do with what Rodrigo earns as a footballer. What can be generated by advertising, for example, does not enter here.

An apartment in the SLS building in Puerto Madero and a suite in the hotel that has that building complex. An apartment in the Lumiere building. The car in Spain, a Land Rover they have there and one in Argentina of the same brand, plus what comes out of maintaining those cars and renovating them, when it needs to be done”

In addition to Brito, he said the deal was “$150,000 cash in an account. Every 45 days the trip to Europe so that Camila can take the children to see their father. The trip is in Buisness, with a five star hotel for the three of us plus a companion that Camila occasionally decides on each trip. To this we must add 700 euros per day during his stay there”.

Naturally, as the driver announced these exorbitant figures, the panelists agreed that Camila got a great deal. “Extraordinary agreement. Beautifuloooo”I consider Nazarena Velez. To which Ángel closed with a cutting comment: “Who doesn’t want it? That’s why I say it the economy is not a problem“.

They accused Camila Homs of using trout pearls to attack Tini Stoessel

Beyond the economic agreement she reached with Rodrigo De Paul, a controversial version has come out in the last few hours: Camila Homs would have opened trout accounts on social media from which they insulted and criticized Tini Stoesselfootballer’s girlfriend.

A Twitter thread popped up accusing Cami Homs of setting up trout accounts to shut Tini out. A lot of attention has been paid to this because last week Tini and her mother denounced an account that constantly insults her,” Estefanía Berardi explained to very morning (City Magazine, Monday through Friday at 10).

It remains to be seen whether this account that Tini denounced is from Cami Homs or not. The lawyer joined De Paul’s team Martin Leguizamon, specialist in social networks, who collaborates with Fernando Burlando. Martín is in charge of reporting these accounts”, explained the speaker.


Source: Clarin

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