Home Entertainment Moria Casán got tired of Fátima Florez and launched a harsh statement against her

Moria Casán got tired of Fátima Florez and launched a harsh statement against her

Moria Casán got tired of Fátima Florez and launched a harsh statement against her

Follow the controversy between Moria Casan Y Fatima Fiorezafter the diva warned the actress and comedian to take legal action if she continued to imitate her in her stage show.

After La One took the matter very seriously now wrote a statement against Florez, making it clear that she no longer wants to be imitated. Indeed, he has assured that no one will be able to use the Moria Casán brand without his authorization or will have to compensate him financially.

“What happened in Moria’s environment is something that triggered the release of this statement. She is a woman who has said for decades that she loves to be imitated,” said Florencia de la Ve, in a statement. intruders (America, Monday to Friday at 1:30 pm), surprised by this determination taken by the lookout.

Then, in the Flor cycle, they shared the statement they made from the Casán environment: “According to the request of Mrs. Ana María Casanova (this is the real name of the diva), owner of the Moria image and brand, registered by Estudio Iacona with report n. 4179970/1/2 before the INPI and published in the Official Gazette of Trademarks n. 10343 of 10/26/22, the use and the profit generated by third parties with it must be approved by the owner, leaving the claim for the collection of the exclusive right of use to his discretion.“.

“What annoyed Moria was Fatima’s first reaction, who sent her to work and also treated her as jealous and media-loving. Pay attention to this point, Fatima said that Moria was doing it through the press. And I want to sow a doubt: start today witches and it would be nice to ask Fátima what she thinks…”, added Gonzalo Vázquez, a speaker for Intruders.

And the reporter added: “Fatima has what it takes. It’s not that Moria is asking her for a fee to make it, she’s taking the money she needs to eat. What Moria told me verbatim was «If I ask, it is to ask well-positioned people. I’m not going to ruin a worker’s life make t-shirts with my face or anything else with my phrases because that’s what it lives with. But whoever makes use and abuse of my image for so many years, that something pays me”.

The beginning of the fight between Moria Casán and Fátima Florez

In mid-December, Fátima Flórez was a guest at show partners (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 10) and there he made, among many others, the imitation of Moria Casanin promotion of his show “Fatima is worldwide” at Villa Carlos Paz.

The diva was watching the program hosted by Rodrigo Lussich and Adrián Pallares at the time and sent a message to one of the hosts, who read it live.

“That Moria Casan writes,” warned Lussich. And he continued: “He says he has registered his name with a company, so you need to monetize the use”“He says you’ll have to pay for it. And he adds ‘he’ll have to leave some money’. Moria is now a registered trademark,” said the driver. Then, Florez, amidst laughter, replied: “Moria, stop messing around, go to work.”

This reaction from Fatima, far from lightening things, deepened them, and La One again warned the impersonator: “I don’t think she’s going to do me on her new show. But she always says that she uses my impersonation to rest because that’s where the audience works ”.

And she continued, indignant: “Are you sending me to work? ridiculous. He broke, I saw it. He is misplaced. Even my daughter calls me to congratulate me on Labor Day #deodoranteparatodos #imaginateporquetelodigo “.

Moria also commented on the way the actress imitates her and clarified that she doesn’t like her interpretation at all: “It slows down badly, it hurts, the voice is from the 80s, now I have a nasal voice as orgasmic congestion.”

Meanwhile, Florez continues to impersonate Casán in “Fátima es mundial”.

But Moria is determined to achieve her goal of making sure he doesn’t imitate her again until she receives financial compensation. A few days ago, the diva clarified in Intruders: “I have a company and I paid a very important fee in Trademarks and registrations so that all the use of my name and what they do in shows is controlled a little”.

“If there’s any use of my name on stage, even if it honors me, I want a little note, Dad. Like SADAIC, like the actors who take your money”he underlined.


Source: Clarin


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