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Gina Lollobrigida’s funeral will take place in the Church of the Artists in Rome

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The funeral of the legendary Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida, who passed away on Monday 16 January at the age of 95, will take place next Thursday at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Montesanto in Rome. known as the Church of the Artists.

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The funeral will begin at 12:30 local time (11:30 GMT) in this Baroque church in the Roman Plaza del Pueblo where mass has been celebrated every Sunday since 1941 in honor of the artists.

However, the farewell to the “Bersagliera”, as the actress was known, will begin tomorrow with a funeral chapel in the hall of the Protomoteca of the Campidoglio building, seat of the town hall.

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The diva’s admirers will be able to pass in front of her coffin until the morning of Thursday 19 January.

“A true star of Italian and international cinema leaves us. With his films and his performances he entered the history of the country and its collective imagination by right. Rome, the city he loved, will be able to remember it as it deserves”, said the mayor, Roberto Gualtieri.

A myth

Lollobrigida was a legend in the golden years of Italian cinema and Hollywood for works such as the saga bread, love and fantasy (1953), by Luigi Comencini, Solomon and the Queen of Saba (1959) o The most beautiful lady in the world (1955).

Born in the town of Subiaco (center) in 1927, at the age of 20 she moved to Rome to begin her artistic career and lived in the capital for most of her life, in a luxurious villa on the monumental Appia Antica.


Source: Clarin

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