Home Entertainment Camila is the leader of Big Brother for the first time: speculation about how she will use her power

Camila is the leader of Big Brother for the first time: speculation about how she will use her power

Camila is the leader of Big Brother for the first time: speculation about how she will use her power

Camilla was consecrated for the first time since he joined Big Brother (Telefe, at 21:45) -in the repechage phase- as leaders of the week. There is great concern in the house of the reality show hosted by Santiago Del Moro in view of the nominations gala which will take place today, Wednesday. And they also arose much speculation about who among those left in the pot will decide to save Camila. There are hypotheses for all tastes!

This week’s Leader’s Trial was a challenge that required great balance and stamina from the participants. The first part of the competition took place during the day and everyone played it.

Those who remained in the semifinals were Camila, Julieta and Romina. They had to wait until nightfall to confront each other as that definition was given live at a gala hosted by Del Moro on Telefe.

When the time came, the three repeated the same test that forced them to balance on a plank. They resisted a lot and Romina was the first to stumble.

In this way, Camila and Julieta were the ones who played the grand finale of the leader test live. None of them had previously been leaders Big Brother.

The two showed great skill in sustaining long minutes in balance. It was a very close competition and in the end, Camila was anointed the winner.

Speculations about what Camila will do

Thus, Camila tries for the first time the role of leader of the week in the reality show. This has called into question many of the supposed certainties that some participants had up until now. Those who believed that Camila, in fact, has every chance of being the first to go to the plate can no longer support their belief since leader status gives you immunity at the time of nominations.

The nomination gala where each of the players enters the confessional to cast their two votes will take place today, Wednesday. At the end of the evening it will be known how the candidate’s plate is composed.

Then, Camila will go to sculpt: as leader, the next day -Thursday-, she will have to save one of those who are on that first plate.

The others, as indicated by the rules of the game Big Brotherthey will be left with their fate in the hands of the public, which has the task of determining with its vote who will have to leave the house on Sunday.

But for the elimination there is still a long way to go and for these hours, the focus is on the attitude that Camila can have when it comes to saving one of the candidates.

The most obvious, given his close bond with Alpha, is to assume that if he’s named, she’ll save him. But nothing is that simple: Camila has repeated over and over again – whoever wants to believe believes – that she sees Alfa as “similar to my father” and that what she really likes as a man is Marcos.

Not only has Camila said she likes Marcos, but in recent days she hasn’t left him in the sun or the shade as he is constantly holding back her advances.

The million dollar question is What would happen in the hypothetical case that Alfa and Marcos were left behind: which of the two would save Camila?

Yesterday, however, Santiago Del Moro said he sensed that Camila will concentrate all her energies before sinking her archenemy La Tora rather than seeing who saves from the plate.

For now, it’s all speculation. We will have to wait until tonight to find out who is nominated and until tomorrow, Thursday, to know the decision of the leader of the week.


Source: Clarin


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