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Marcelo Longobardi intervened after the serious accident suffered by his wife in Miami: she was hospitalized urgently

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Marcello Longobardi talked about the serious accident suffered by Laura Palermo, his wifehit by a bicycle and then admitted to a Miami hospital.

The journalist spoke about this unfortunate event on his radio show CNN Lombards (Monday to Friday, 6:00 to 10:00, on CNN Argentina radio) and detailed: “She was hit by someone from behind, we don’t know who, but it was someone on a bicycle.”

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Subsequently, the communicator added that the cyclist who hit his wife fled the scene without having been identified so far.

After revealing the traumatic moment he experienced, Marcelo described it his wife was on vacation in Florida with Clara and Delfinaher 16-year-old twins, and that after the strong blows she received after being hit, she has to stay hospitalized.

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“He had many cuts and a very strong blow to his head”, Longobardi complained about the state of health of the mother of the daughters. And he detailed: “He was unconscious until 6:00pm I’ve never seen this before, when someone is completely out of orbit, they don’t know where they are, or why, or how, or what happened.”

“He’ll stay there, I assume, for another day or two at the most. Let’s hope he returns home soon, all bruised, beaten and with his memory recovered», concluded Longobardi, with the certainty that his wife has now managed to stay out of danger.

The woman will remain in the hospital in the American city until they finish doing some studies to verify that she hasn’t had sequelae other than those detected so far.

Marcelo, on the other hand, specified that his two teenage daughters are in the place where they were staying in Miami waiting for their mother to be discharged to receive them.

Marcelo Longobardi and his possibility of leaving CNN to go to Radio Rivadavia

In recent days, rumors have grown that Marcelo Longobardi could leave his space on AM 950 (CNN Radio)where it debuted on April 11, 2022, due to economic differences with the news signal.

According to reports, the directors of Radio Rivadavia have already contacted the journalist to offer him the space that became vacant after Pablo Rossi’s farewell at the end of the year and which he currently occupies in Ari Paluch’s programming.

For now, they would have offered Longobardi to continue in its traditional time slot from 6 to 10, as Marina Calabró anticipated last week in the column she wrote on Wool Without Filter (Miter Radio).

In this way, if Longobardi closed an agreement with Rivadavia, he would occupy the space from 6 to 9.30. And they would change the programming because then he would pass with Jonathan Viale, who currently occupies the margin of 15 to 17 with Pan y Circo.

While Baby Etchecopar will continue at noon, from 12 to 2, ending an hour earlier than it currently does. Meanwhile, Cristina Pérez will be broadcast in the afternoon Cristina no lapsfrom 14 to 15.


Source: Clarin

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