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Sofía “Jujuy” Jiménez showed a behind-the-scenes video of her “intimate incident”

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After acknowledging that the “intimate misadventure” who suffered this Tuesday in Barbarossa (Telefe, Mon-Fri 9.30am) was actually a period awareness campaign, Sofia “Jujuy” Jimenez shared a extended post in their networks talking about the new proposal.

“I’m still in shock”were the first words of the famous model in reference to her performance in the studio of Georgina Barbarossawhere he pretended to have stained the white pants he was wearing with blood while imitating a choreography by Big Brother.

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She continued, “I have to sincerely thank everyone who empathized with the situation I played on Georgina’s show… I just put myself in the shoes of most women who menstruate and more than once we are ashamed, watched and judged for something that is natural.”

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In that text he shared on his account instagramwhere she is followed by 1.7 million users, also actress and influencers especially thanked Georgina and all her team, and Telefe “for joining this awareness campaign which Kotex proposed and that It was a big challenge for everyone.”

“The goal has been super achievedyesterday (for this Tuesday) the networks, TV channels, news portals, my cell phone, everything exploded automatically and Argentina was positioned as the number one country with the greatest impact and speed in putting the issue on the agenda,” added Jujuy.

And he concluded the letter by saying: “I trust and sincerely hope that all of this is of some usethat it ceases to be a taboo, and above all that it is talked about in schools and that children are educated so that they are naturalized from infancy and no one has to miss (lessons) because they are ashamed”.

Also, in this post, the ambassador for several makeup, perfume, and cream brands showed some how he lived the previous minutes before airing on Georgina’s cycle.

“We are here in the dressing room, in the Telefe studios, and we will be on the air shortly. I want to record this (shows red painted pants) here’s the stain. Tremendous! It’s very strong and it generates me a lot to carry on this campaign,” he assured looking at the camera.

And he added: “It seems so important and special to me that we talk about it, that we raise awareness… Girls, who hasn’t had their pants stained like this? Nothing happens!! Enough of these taboos. Come on, I will pre-empt this campaign and let the whole world speak to raise awareness and we close with questions that affect us all”.

Meanwhile, in another video she also shared in that post, Sofía said so The idea of ​​this campaign is that “we ask ourselves what is wrong with (coloring)”. “It’s the most normal and natural thing and it happens to most women,” she once again noted.

“There are precise data: four out of ten girls do not go to school (when they get sick) because they are ashamed, they feel it is a disease, that they are sick. Let’s cut this. Let’s naturalize it. Among women we have to support each other,” Jujuy asked.


Source: Clarin

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