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Another dead from a landslide in Patagonia: a young doctor was dragged by a stone in El Chaltén

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A young doctor from Bariloche who was on his way up El Chalten (Santa Cruz) died after a stone fell from the mountain and dragged him causing mortal wounds.

We are talking about Marcos Gorostiaga (28), a clinical doctor and preventionist who lived in the mountain city. The athlete’s body was recovered a few hours ago by a group of experts accompanied by an Argentine army helicopter. It is now at the disposal of the El Calafate Court of Inquiry.

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As far as is known, Gorostiaga He was climbing with a friend on Cerro Torre, when a stone fell on him and dragged him about 50 meters.

The doctor’s partner was about 80 meters away, La Opinión Austral reported.

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He was able to communicate via VHF radio with the El Chaltén Rescue Commission and the Civil Defense, which initiated the rescue procedure. The shares benefited from the prevailing good weather, but when they arrived on the accident sector the young man was already deceased.

Gorostiza had graduated from Favaloro University in 2017 and was an enthusiastic climber. In his private Instagram account, with more than 1,000 followers, he described himself as an “attempted climber” and doctor. There he can be seen climbing a complex wall solo and without ropes.

In the last 30 days there have been, with this, five dead in the El Chaltén area.

On December 19, the Swiss Christoph Klein (48) died in the Standhart needle, his body has not yet been saved due to the complex geography in which it was housed.

At Christmas, the young Cassandra Doolittle (25 years old), who was descended from the needle of Guillaumet, died.

On January 19, Iker Bilbao (29) and Amaia Aguirre (31), both from the Basque Country, died when they were left trapped by an avalanche descending from Fitz Roy (3,405 meters).

It is estimated that the avalanche was generated in the context of high temperatures in the mountains. In the locality of El Chaltén, the thermometers showed 30 degrees on Thursday and in the area of ​​the peaks it remained at 0. A worrying temperature for those who are climbing among masses of snow that maintain their stability thanks to the extreme cold.

In all cases they were mountaineers with vast experience and who had achieved important peaks in mountains of different countries.

Santa Cruz. Corresponding

Source: Clarin

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