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Chino Leunis spoke after Florencia Moyano’s sexual abuse complaint against Juan Martino

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In the second edition of The celebrity hotel (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 18:30) A scandal has erupted following the allegation of sexual abuse with carnal access that one of the participants, moian flowerdid against John Martin. Now, chinese leuniwhich drives the cycle together with Carolina Pampita Ardohainissued a statement and referred to the matter.

Is that, after many rumors, the influencers went to court for a rape which he allegedly suffered inside the house located in the Cañuelas area, where he lived with members of the El Trece program.

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The driver took to Twitter, where he assured that he was aware of everything that happened and clarified that he had been following the situation from the beginning.

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“I am aware of what Flor Moyano expressed”advanced Leunis in the bird’s social network.

And he continued: “We have been following the situation from minute zero. Even now”.

In turn, he clarified why he doesn’t go out and talk more about the topic: “Out of respect and express request from Flor that’s all I’m about to say”.

“I would never argue that any kind of misconduct in a program I’m a part of,” he closed.

It should be remembered that, in the last few hours, the criminal complaint that Moyano filed against the brother of Major Martin.

“I hereby come to solicit a formal criminal complaint for the commission of felonies of repeated abuse, sexual abuse with carnal access, against Mr. Juan Manuel Martino“, Light panache angel In THEY (America, Monday to Friday at 8pm).

According to the participant of the reality show, the actor he touched and “groped” her on several occasions and insisted on sleeping with her.

“In the bathroom, He performed oral sex on me and penetrated me with his member without my consent and without protection. (…) That situation made me break down. It was the worst moment of my life. I never thought something like this could happen to me”, reads the document read by the American driver.

The word to Flor Moyano after having criminally denounced Juan Martino

In the last hours and in the midst of the scandal, moian flower He spoke on the networks and thanked the support received these days after report Juan Martino for sexual abuse with carnal access.

“I thank all the people who are giving me their support. I am going through an extremely delicate situation, from which I hope to be able to get out soon. I hope you can put yourself in my place and understand this I am going through the hardest days of my life‘ the participant wrote on Twitter of The hotel of the famous 2 (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 6.30pm).

Moyano also expressed himself on his Instagram account, where he has more than 900,000 followers, and in a story he sent a heartfelt message.

“I thank all the people who have tried to support me and show solidarity with me,” he wrote on a plaque.

And he continued: “I am going through an extremely delicate situation from which I hope to be able to get out of it soon”.

“To friends, journalists, followers, I ask you to understand and to be able to put yourself in my place. I’m having the hardest days of my life,” he said.

Is closed: “I will stay out of any kind of situation that can expose me and sharpen my pain. Please contact my lawyer if he has any concerns.”

Source: Clarin

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