Home Entertainment Coti of “Big Brother” underwent another aesthetic intervention and showed the before and after

Coti of “Big Brother” underwent another aesthetic intervention and showed the before and after

Coti of “Big Brother” underwent another aesthetic intervention and showed the before and after

Since his departure from the house of Big Brother, Coti Romero underwent several cosmetic surgeries. First it was her lips then his face in general and now his teeth.

The truth is, the 21-year-old shared pictures of her new posed smile together with the dentist who performed the treatment. These are veneers that are placed on the teeth to make them look whiter.

“The Genius of Veneers”, The young woman wrote on her Instagram account where she accumulates 1.7 million followers, conquering the specialist in question.

Coti's post showing off his new smile.  Photo: Instagram.

Coti’s post showing off his new smile. Photo: Instagram.

For his part, the professional has also uploaded a file photos before and after in his story, where we see the smiling young woman with and without facets. In the pictures you can see how your teeth appear whiter and brighter.

“Little changes that brighten life. Our patient @cotyrommero already had a beautiful smile but felt a little insecure spots of hypoplasia that I had in my enamel”, the doctor began by explaining.

The before and after of Coti's smile.

The before and after of Coti’s smile.

And explained that the procedure included “3 whitening sessions, a micro abrasion on stains without damaging healthy teeth e 4 veneers to gain some length and restorations of canines to unify the tone of their teeth”.

“This is the result after 4 appointments and a makeup and tan to even out skin tone. This is the first stage of the treatment, then we’ll do invisible braces to correct his bite and to be able to do veneers on his back teeth,” said the dentist, warning that the treatment will continue.

The other treatments Coti had undergone

Previously, the young woman had increased the size of her lips. And then, she underwent a full facial treatment, which consists of injecting little ones dosage of hyaluronic acid and botox in different regions of the face that you want to improve, such as the chin, forehead and cheekbones.

Constanza Romero has increased the volume of her lips.  Photo: Instagram.

Constanza Romero has increased the volume of her lips. Photo: Instagram.

“Here we are, applying a few small details to harmonize the face Mini, they are barely noticeable, so she is serene and looks even prettier,” explained the doctor in charge of the procedure in a video shared by the young woman.

But far from generating acceptance in his fans, the young woman has received hundreds of criticisms They said she was too young to undergo so many cosmetic treatments.

“It was like that, unrecognizable. Because in the previous story he put a filter, but in reality it was like this “. I can’t believe people so young are injecting themselves with stuff. We’re going back to this one of woman’s demands for perfection forever” and “So young what a need” were some of the comments.

But the cone girl she was not silent and decided to respond to those who criticized it on the networks.

“Chiquis, stop worrying about me, I didn’t do anything special: hyaluronic acid on the lips (which goes away in less than 1 year and is natural). And I’m not going to do anything else. Plus, it never hurts to get your teeth fixed. Worried about you”shot the former participant of Big Brother on his Twitter account.

Source: Clarin


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