Home Entertainment Big Brother: who have been nominated

Big Brother: who have been nominated

Big Brother: who have been nominated

The gala of the nominations Big Brother started with everything. Santiago del Moro greeted Nacho’s father and the first thing she said to him was “Your son was spontaneous.” Then he entered the house to greet the participants.

“There are only a few left and you have to name each other. The chair is starting to get smaller. Think carefully about what each will do. Honor your place and I wish you all the best for today, which is a very important day,” the driver told them.

Then they showed the moment when Nacho entered the confessional to be spontaneous. “I give three votes to Camila because I want to make sure it’s on board and two to alphaeven if it hurts. But I don’t think she will go away, ”she justified.

This week's candidates are Camila, Lucila, Alfa and Romina.  Television capture

This week’s candidates are Camila, Lucila, Alfa and Romina. Television capture

Then Big Brother started calling attendees to start naming. The first one he mentioned was Nacho himself, so that the rest of the participants would not realize that he was the one who acted spontaneously.

Nacho has been spontaneous to Camila and Alfa.  Television capture

Nacho has been spontaneous to Camila and Alfa. Television capture

“The most important thing is to know that no one will spontaneously against me, because I’ve done it before”Nacho explained. Furthermore, he said he was satisfied with what he had voted and added that he would not like to see his friends on a plate.

Then it was time to name Julietthe leader of the week. The first vote was given to Lucilaand explained the reasons.

Julieta nominated La Tora and ALfa.  Television capture

Julieta nominated La Tora and ALfa. Television capture

“I love her very much, but in her first edition she didn’t play with me nor were we from the same group. She came back very different and it stuck with us because we are the girls who are here. But there is something strange about his game. She told me that Nacho and Romina, Daniela and I were untouchable for her. But she later said that only Nacho was her untouchable she,” she argued.

The second vote was given to Alpha“Because I feel like he hasn’t been to the pot for a long time and I want to see how he’s doing there. There are a lot of things I don’t share with him. The quarrel he had with Romi influenced me a lot. Also, even if it didn’t do it to me,” he added.

Then came the turn Romino, who was questioned for recounting a dream, in which he said he named Alpha. So, he really did it, could be considered a sung vow.

Romina named Camila and Alfa.  Television capture

Romina named Camila and Alfa. Television capture

I give two marks to Camila. I get on well with her, but I have more affection for the other colleagues. and one to Walter, because we’ve had a lot of quarrels here. The last one was very strong and touched the part where it hurts the most. He has shown me that he doesn’t have the affection I thought he had for me,” she commented.

Then came the turn Camilla. First, he mentioned Lucila“Because that’s the one I had the least affinity with. Plus some comments he made that I didn’t like. I hear him fighting and I don’t like him.” The second vote was for Rominabecause “I feel that if it goes to license plate they can save it”.

Camila named La Tora and Romina.  Television capture

Camila named La Tora and Romina. Television capture

Later she repented and wanted to change her vote but Big Brother wouldn’t let her. “I Guess Juliet Will Save Her”he said in consolation.

later entered Daniela let’s vote. He gave Walter two nominations“Because this week has been very tense. He said very offensive things against Romina and that’s why I’ll let the public judge him. The second vote was for Camila“For a matter of affinity to be the last to arrive. She’s a great player but she has the advantage of coming on after us,” he argued.

Daniela nominated Alfa and Camila.  Television capture

Daniela nominated Alfa and Camila. Television capture

When you cast your vote, frames chose to give two nominations to Lucila“because I don’t have so much relationship with her as with others. The second vote was for Daniela. “For a matter of affinity. My best strategy is to vote with my heart,” he replied to Big Brother when asked to explain his strategy.

Marcos nominated La Tora and Daniela.  Television capture

Marcos nominated La Tora and Daniela. Television capture

Then he entered to name Lucilla, who voted first for Camila“for a matter of affinity. He makes me feel uncomfortable many times. He uses the Alfa and knows who to play with and who not. I don’t believe him at all. He says the Alfa reminds him of his father and treats him like a couple” .

La Tora named Camila and Alfa.  Television capture

La Tora named Camila and Alfa. Television capture

The second vote was given to Alpha. “I want to test it on the board to see how it turns out. I don’t have any conflicts with it,” she explained.

The last to enter to name was Alphathat he was among the convicted despite the fact that Big Brother canceled Romina’s candidacy against him, for considering it a “Sung Vote,” having recounted the dream she had, in which she had just voted for him.

“It’s a difficult time. I’m sure I’ll go to the plate this week and vote thinking about staying until the end.” Here because gave two votes to Romina“because the more we are on the plate, the better. If I go to the placa I want Romina to come with me“, discussion.

Alpha voted for Romina and La Tora.  Television capture

Alpha voted for Romina and La Tora. Television capture

In second place voted for La Tora“because Julieta will have to save someone and if she saves Romina, I want more people to be named”, was her explanation.

I have to mention Romina, but I know he won’t be afraid to name anyone. It’s a game and it’s not about loving more or less the people I’ve mentioned,” Walter closed before leaving the confessional.

Source: Clarin


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