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Federico Bal’s separation caused a war between lawyers: the reason and a lapidary message

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The scandalous separation of Federico Bal and Sofía Aldrey due to the infidelity of the actor continues to cause collateral damage. More precisely, it generated a strong back and forth among lawyers Martin Leguizamonfrom Fernando Burlando’s buffet, e Maurice D’Alessandro.

It happens that Leguizamón represents Stephanie Berardione of the celebrities who was hit by the viralization of alleged chats with the actor while he was in a relationship with Aldrey and was the one who wrote the statement to prevent the conversations from leaking.

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However, in the last few hours and recommended by D’Alessandro, in intruders (America, 1:30 p.m.) They leaked part of a private Instagram conversation the actor and speaker reportedly had confirming the deal.

Martín Leguizamón and Flor de la Ve in "Intruders".  Television capture

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Martín Leguizamón and Flor de la Ve in “Intruders”. Television capture

D’Alessandrowho this Thursday was a guest in the cycle led by Headquarters flowerassured that the disclosure of the chat that Sofía allegedly discovered on the computer she shared with Fede at home It would not be part of the crime because it is understood that he gave “the possibility of entering” the electronic device.

Martín Leguizamón together with Fernando Burlando, with whom I work.  Photo: Instagram

Martín Leguizamón together with Fernando Burlando, with whom I work. Photo: Instagram

Furthermore, the lawyer said that when a journalistic fact becomes in the “public interest, it has no criminal liability” unless, for example, a hacker was hired to find that evidence.

Meanwhile, hours earlier, D’Alessandro had tweeted: “Law 25.326 on the protection of personal data it does not prevent private chats from being disclosed to those who exchanged themwould only apply to the WhatsApp company”.

Mauricio D'Alessandro aired on

Mauricio D’Alessandro aired on “Intruders” assuring that it was not a crime to show a chat. Television capture

The lapidary messages of Martín Leguizamón against Mauricio D’Alessandro

All those statements by Mauricio D’Alessandro They provoked the fury of Estefanía Berardi’s lawyer, who did not hesitate to turn to their networks to make his anger visible.

“It seems to me or anyone else said today that ‘private chats’, fake or real, that violate the right to privacy can be freely disclosed by any means Is it the same that at the end of 2017, urgently, asked the Justice to immediately stop the diffusion of chats about the intimate life of a public person because it violated their right to privacy, honor and honour?”, he began Martín Leguizamón in an Instagram story.

The strong release of Martín Leguizamón.

The strong release of Martín Leguizamón.

And he continued: “It is always illegal when it violates the right to privacy and is disseminated without consent. You should review Civil I as a matter of urgency to avoid getting third parties into trouble.”

Not satisfied with this terrible leave against his colleague, the lawyer who integrates the firm of Fernando Burlando he published a second story ignoring D’Alessandro.

Leguizamón attacked D'Alessandro on Instagram.

Leguizamón attacked D’Alessandro on Instagram.

Without naming him, Leguizamón said: “I could do a summer course, I can find it at a university where I teach, so as to slightly revise the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, in particular the art. 318 which ‘teaches’ this confidential correspondence cannot be used without consent for it is communication between two or more people where intimate thoughts and private statements are recorded.”

By the way, it would do you good to read a simple and quick-read text, the National Constitution, which in his art. 18 clearly establishes that correspondence by letter, identical to electronic mail, is inviolable”, concluded this message.

Estafani Berardi's lawyer exploded on the networks.

Estafani Berardi’s lawyer exploded on the networks.

Finally, Berardi’s defender posted a copy of a court ruling on a person’s “unwillingly uploaded chats” and added: “Required reading for those who have argued that the spread of private chats is legal.”

“For the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation it is illegal! I am very sorry for the attitude of those who believed that nonsense and spread it. In law it is called successive responsibilities. Simple,” he concluded.

Source: Clarin

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