Home Entertainment Estefi Berardi has confirmed that she will criminally sue Sofía Aldrey, Marcela Tauro and the “Intruders” program

Estefi Berardi has confirmed that she will criminally sue Sofía Aldrey, Marcela Tauro and the “Intruders” program

Estefi Berardi has confirmed that she will criminally sue Sofía Aldrey, Marcela Tauro and the “Intruders” program

The expectation in the program THEY (America, Mon-Fri 8pm) was set to if they aired the chats they showed hours ago intruders (America, Monday-Friday at 1:30pm) about the private and heated talks they had Federico Bal and Estefi Berardi. Here because, panache angel opened the program by giving the speaker the chance to say what she felt.

“I can’t think of what to clarify. When I see the material, I will reply“, said Estefi, who clarified that he was taking an exam at the university, and for this reason he had not been able to see anything that was said or shown on television during the day.

I’ve been mean to Sofia (Aldrey), I shouldn’t have said she’s mean because I don’t know her and for that I apologised. I think she shouldn’t mess with other women, that’s all,” she added when asked last Thursday THEY He had called her a “bad person” for having filtered the chats in which she discovered her partner’s infidelity with several women.

Estefi Berardi talked about her intimate chats with Federico Bal.  Television capture

Estefi Berardi talked about her intimate chats with Federico Bal. Television capture

Then the driver asked Estefi if she felt uncomfortable with the schedule or if she was thinking about leaving. “I am not uncomfortable nor do I want to resign. I felt some harassment from Yanina with me. With program no. I don’t want him to force me to say something I don’t want to,” she replied.

In Intruders they showed Estefi’s chats with Fede Bal

then inside THEY they put up pictures of the things they said about her intruderswhere a debate was generated among the speakers on Berardi’s attitude on the matter how she reacted to the appearance of the chats between her and Federico.

This issue is already in court. There’s a criminal case to be filed on Monday against more than one person. It annoyed me that no one came to ask me before talking about it. If I get something from someone, I ask first. And more when it comes to something intimate and private. When I show something it is because they have authorized me or because it is not serious ”, he defended himself.

Marcela Taura told Intrusi that she had Estefi Berardi's chats and for this she was reported.

Marcela Taura told Intrusi that she had Estefi Berardi’s chats and for this she was reported.

“At the time Vicuña (Benjamín) got angry with me, but then we managed to talk about it. The same thing happened with Thiago’s sister. She got angry about something I said, we talked about it and we solved it” , he clarified. When Ángel de Brito asked her if they had never been angry with her for things she said about others.

Berardi’s private conversation with Federico Bal

“Every day I talk to Fede. Today he didn’t have a good day and it was bad because he hurt Sofia,” revealed Estefi. “He apologized for putting me in this mess, for being messy and because it made me fall into the flip,” she recounted about that speech.

“I want to tell Marcela Feudale that a fake or real chat cannot be published against your consent. It is illegal for it to be real or fake”, told the speaker of Show matchwho asked him why he was suing if the messages according to Berardi were false.

Criminal complaint against several Sofía Aldrey, Marcela Tauro and “Intruders”

Towards the end of the program, they passed a note with Fernando BurlandoAvvocato Berardi, in which spoke about the right to privacy and of a precautionary measure that they would file in the media, so that the matter would no longer be discussed.

Yanina Latorre and Ángel de Brito took aim at Estefi Berardi for going to court.  Television capture

Yanina Latorre and Ángel de Brito took aim at Estefi Berardi for going to court. Television capture

In this context, the rapporteur clarified that there will be news on Monday with criminal charges against several people and a program, although she did not clarify who they were. “I signed the document letters before coming to LAM”he added cryptically.

However, minutes later he read the contents of his criminal complaint from his phone. “I will file a criminal complaint for the crime of insults for showing chats with sexual content of which I am not aware and which is attributed to me. Let it be known that I am also unaware of how Sofía Aldrey obtained them for their subsequent public broadcast by a television medium, which should be the subject of a criminal investigation.”

“Here because I ask that the author of the diffusion of the chats be condemned in which my good name and honor are insulted,” he added in another text of the complaint.

“In response to the public demonstrations made in the program intruders by Mrs. Marcela Tauro and other speakers of the same program that irresponsibly motivated the dissemination of chats of an intimate nature of which I am not aware originally involving me with sexual practices in which reference is made to an intimate encounter that motivates the complaint,” he concluded.

Then he gave names and surnames to the defendants. “The lawsuit is against Marcela Tauro because he said he had chats, against intruders who showed them, against Sofia Aldrey because he was the one who passed the chats and you can add more panelists from intruders that involved me,” he specified.

He then added that “There will be more action on Monday, as a precaution, but I don’t know how far the lawyers will go.” And he clarified that on the contrary, Federico will not join any lawsuit in court.

Source: Clarin


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