Ñ ​​​​​​Magazine presents the ARCOmadrid Speaker’s Corner interview series

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In commemoration of the 1000th issue of the magazine, last November, and in anticipation of the 20th anniversary of the first issue, which occurs this year, a program of public conversations within ARCOmadrdid coordinated by its curator, Matilde Sánchez.

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The complete agenda of the Ñ Program at the fair

Sculpture and performance: dialogue with Diego Bianchi, Buenos Aires. He works in the Jocelyn Wolff Gallery (France).

The nightmares of JG Ballard and David Cronenberg have become sculptures. Can art no longer deny the “abject”?

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Wednesday 22 February; from 15:00 to 15:30

Interdisciplinary art, constructions at height: dialogue with Tomás Saraceno, Tucumán, Argentina; resident in Berlin. Present in the Neugerriemschneider (Berlin) and Pinksummer (Genoa) galleries.

Its construction in the air: mirror and steel polyhedrons, natural cobwebs illuminated like a cathedral. An art that synthesizes knowledge and materializes it?

Wednesday 22 February; from 15:30 to 16:00

Photography: dialogue with Andrea Ostera, Rosario. You work at the Diego Obligado Gallery (Argentina).

The artist has spent years investigating how chance and the dizzying evolution of images change photography.

Thursday 23 February; From 15 to 16 hours.

Painting: dialogue with Florencia Böhtlingk, Buenos Aires. Works in Hache Gallery (Argentina)

Like the human inhabitants, the vegetable kingdom intertwines in the artist’s large canvases to contribute to the labyrinth of references.

Friday 24 February; from 14:00 to 15:00

Source: Clarin

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