Víctor Hugo Morales spoke about his abrupt departure from C5N: “The channel made me an offer that didn’t give me any joy”

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After seven years as one of its main faces, journalist Víctor Hugo Morales left the C5N screen, angry at the channel’s leadership’s decision to reduce the frequency of its show, a change that coincides with the realignment of the signal before the start of the election year.

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Victor Hugo, one of the journalists closest to Kirchnerism, until last year had a daily space dedicated to the evening news on the Grupo Indalo channel. The management’s decision for this 2023 had been who happen to have only one shipment a week.

Faced with this editorial decision, argues the speaker a heated argument with the cana managerl, which included a couple of knocks on studio doors, according to the version released by journalist Luis Ventura. At first it was assumed that C5N had a salary debt with Morales, but this morning the protagonist himself denied it.

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In a quick clarification on his AM 750 radio show, Victor Hugo spoke of his departure: “I’m no longer in C5N. I have many friends there and an indelible memory. I was seven years old and I worked so well that I can’t express myself more than with gratitude”.

“I’m a very free guy in my work, I fight for those margins of freedom. And come this year the channel made an offer that gave me no joy, because it significantly reduced my participation last year, and precisely in the year of the elections. And I’m not going to speculate on what might have motivated that and I’m going to take it in television terms,” she said.

“It is not true that there is a debt, The channel doesn’t owe me a burden”added

Source: Clarin

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