The day Jorge Rial pressed the red button and left Big Brother

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While the countdown to this successful 2022/23 edition of Big Brotherthe recent declarations of Rodrigo Fernández Rumi, the 2012 winner, that “everything had been arranged” and his subsequent denial, have led many to revise that cycle which He had a historic moment that few remember: the live resignation of Jorge Rial, his host.

Although there was still plenty of time to finish the race, the former Intruder was going through complicated personal and health moments (the separation with his ex Silvia D’Auro and the decision to take care of their daughters Moraine and Rock) Therefore he had no choice but to step aside and devote full time to recovering and adjusting to her new life with her family.

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His place was taken by Mariano Peluffo, who was in charge of conducting the debates at that time. Read more, that edition had the particularity that there were two houses instead of only one, and that it included the repechage Tomasito Suellerknown at the time as “The Son” by Guido Süller.

The moment Jorge Rial pressed the red button and left the Big Brother house.  Television capture

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The moment Jorge Rial pressed the red button and left the Big Brother house. Television capture

Jorge Rial’s farewell

That historic night, the driver had entered the house to greet the “little brothers”. Then he entered the confessional and opened his heart, explaining to Big Brother the reasons that led him to make the difficult decision give up a program that had given him much satisfaction in his career.

Jorge Rial broke down when he dropped out before leaving the Big Brother house.  Television capture

Jorge Rial broke down when he dropped out before leaving the Big Brother house. Television capture

It’s weird to be here and know that what I’m about to do now is going to get me off Big Brother.I thought it would make things easier for me,” she said in an almost broken voice.

“Since 2007 I started building this love that I feel for Big Brother but sometimes it feels like they no longer have the energy or power necessary to achieve what they expect from me, because life puts you in a place you thought you’d never be. And today everything happens to me,” he explained.

“You feel that life is like a steeplechase that you almost jump from memory. But one day someone puts up that fence for you and you get hit like crazy. I’m at a stage where I don’t want to give this job a second stent“He summed up in reference to the health problems he was experiencing due to all the family conflicts he had to resolve.

Jorge Rial remained silent for a long time after pressing the red button that marked his resignation from Big Brother.  Television capture

Jorge Rial remained silent for a long time after pressing the red button that marked his resignation from Big Brother. Television capture

I’m leaving for a personal and physical matter, otherwise I would never leave this job. Although I will never leave Big Brother, because I’m part of it. My tummy is making noise right now, and it’s not from hunger,” he clarified to describe what was happening to him.

When asked by Big Brother if he was sure of the decision he was about to make, Rial replied firmly: “Yes, I’m sure”. Then they invited him to press the red button, which was the tool participants had to leave the house, if they decided to do so.

Despite the confidence he expressed in his position, it was very difficult for the driver to press the button until the alarm sounded. Which determined that there was no going back on his decision. Inclusive After doing so, she was silent for long seconds with tears in her eyes..

“How bad that sound sounds,” she mused as the alarm chimed in the background and the red lights flickered on and off. “I have to go. Thanks so much for everything, to each of you. Sometimes I play rough, but know that I love you very much and you have done a lot for me. Especially in this last period. But I couldn’t go on any longer,” the journalist justified.

I’m leaving to take back part of my life. That’s what I’m looking for and that’s what’s important to me right now. I also have to take care of my daughters. I love them very much and they are the most important thing I have,” she said before getting up and leaving the house.

Source: Clarin

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