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Noelia Marzol furiously shot her interrogator in her role as mother

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Noelia Marzol she was tired of being challenged in her role as a mother and after sharing in her networks a tender video of his children, published at frank disclaimer and asked her followers to refrain from criticizing her.

It all started with a coil that the dancer uploaded to her account instagram for him Brothers day. In that recording you could see Donatelloalmost 2 years, kisses alphonsinebarely two months old, and many users of the aforementioned network criticized her for allowing her firstborn to kiss her newborn daughter.

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To which the actress also reacted angrily: “I received comments, very few but I have them, of ‘how awful’ or ‘how disgusting'”.

And he continued: “I can interpret that it disgusts them because the child passes the bacteria to his sister who, the truth as a mother I tell him that I prefer that they love each other and show love and not ignore each other, or depriving themselves of showing affection because they can infect each other, when in reality they go to the garden and then infect themselves with anything. AS, I’d rather they continued to kiss and love each other.”

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The actress and Alfonsina, her second child.

The actress and Alfonsina, her second child.

However, those words seem to have not been enough. It’s just that, this Sunday, in the midst of the heat wave that keeps most Argentines in suspense, Noelia posted another tender video of her children on her networks.

In the shots we see Dona, just like the figure of type she calls her first child, blowing on her little sister’s face due to the tremendous heat that hits Buenos Aires. “Haha, it sucks because it’s so hot. Love you guys!”wrote the dancer about those images taken while traveling with the boys in the back of a car.

But even his clarification would have had no effect and in the face of alleged questions that could have reached him privately, Marzol decided to share a story dedicated especially to his enemies.

Noelia Marzol with her husband Ramiro Arias and their children.

Noelia Marzol with her husband Ramiro Arias and their children.

“If any ‘geek’ who grew up in a NASA environment, wrapped in latex, isolated from direct contact with siblings, friends, living beings and dirt, is going to text me something like ‘No. Teach Dona not to suck her Why can transmit viruses, germs, bacteria, streptococci of dubious origin that will make the girl grow a third ear…, Refrain!!“He began by saying.

And she continued, visibly angry: “Why I see her coming and she sucks my egg. It will be one of the more mistakes we make as mothers. But let me doubt if it’s any worse than a runny nose from time to time. My children will grow up with the contact. END”.

Also, the actress closed the “2.0 debate” with another stick to women who virtually attack her: “Because I can already see them! With desperate fingers telling me how to lift them! Their fingers curl…mom!”

Noelia Marzol's farewell.

Noelia Marzol’s farewell.

Noelia Marzol criticized for showing her body a few days after giving birth

It is worth clarifying that it is not the first time that the actress has come out to respond to the 2.0 criticisms that, like many celebrities, she receives daily on her networks.

Indeed, a few days after giving birth to her newborn daughter, she appeared in a bikini and was much questioned by her followers instagram.

Noelia Marzol was shown in a bikini just days after having her second daughter.

Noelia Marzol was shown in a bikini just days after having her second daughter.

“This post is more to humiliate others More than to make the rest of the moms you have on Instagram feel good or follow you for your motherhood”, a user glared at her.

Source: Clarin

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