Bizarrap and Paulo Londra, and a challenge that resulted in 23 million comments on the networks.
He waited but he came. After reaching 23 million comments on his Instagram post, Bizarrap released “BZRP Music Sessions #23 ″, in collaboration with Paulo Londra as the main star.
The launch it’s exclusively through Spotifywhile the video post is having some unexpected problems with YouTube.
“How are you people? Well, I’ll tell you what’s going on. On platforms, when you upload a song you have to have a little bit of time. I already programmed it to be everywhere, the problem is the video. I’m a little angry there, I can’t hide, “the DJ explains via his social networks. And, referring to the clip, he added:” It’s incredible, that’s what annoys me the most. I’ve edited a lot. “

The challenge was formed on Instagram.
The thing is this: drip in the best Duki style, after a remarkable statement promoting the “BZRP Music Session #23”, Vélez’s most popular fan in the world was shocked on Sunday when he announced – from his very anxious Instagram account – the signs of a new composition soon to be published.
At 8 p.m., he undertook an suggestive viral challenge: “The next collaboration is in your hands”, he said to his followers. “If they reach 23 million comments on the photo I’m uploading today, the subject comes up. I’m nervous, but I trust you …”, the new young wonder released.
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Source: Clarin