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Alicia Barbasola, the partner of Andrés Nara, had a miscarriage

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After getting married on February 14, Andrés Nara and star Alicia Barbasola have announced they are expecting a child and that Wanda and Zaira would have a little brother. But, unfortunately, this Wednesday it became known that Alicia suffered a miscarriage and lost the pregnancy.

In the program show partners (El Trece, Monday to Friday from 10:30 to 12:30), the rapporteur Nancy Duré was in charge of communicating this sad news which surprised everyone.

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“I spoke to Alicia these days because I knew she was going to have her first ultrasound, she was six weeks pregnant and it struck me that she didn’t answer me for a few hours,” the former said intruders.

Andres Nara and Alicia Barbasola.  Photo: Movilpress

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Andres Nara and Alicia Barbasola. Photo: Movilpress

“Eventually, he answered me and said that, unfortunately she had a miscarriage“, reported the speaker. To which the driver, Rodrigo Lussich, explained that this meant that” she had lost her pregnancy.

On how the episode started, Duré revealed: “She was hospitalized for a few days, when she started with some bleedingthey had rushed her to the San Isidro hospital, from there they directed her to the nursery”.

At first they thought it was an ectopic pregnancy.that is to say that the egg is housed in a place that is not the uterus, where it belongs, then they realized that this was not the case,” said the journalist of show partners.

“It was a miscarriage, that’s why the losses”, confirmed the sad news Andrés Nara and his wife Alicia Barbasola, through a message sent to the speaker.

“She was very mean, she didn’t want to talk, but she talked to us Andrés Nara who shared an audio with us“, Duré advanced on a material with the first-person account of the father of Wanda and Zaira, the protagonist of this difficult moment that he has to go through.

In this sense Andrés Nara said: “It’s a totally unpleasant moment, we were confident with this topic, it started with pains that alarmed usI know these situations are very delicate and more so in the first few weeks.”

Andrés Nara confirmed through an audio that his wife has lost her pregnancy.  Catch TV.

Andrés Nara confirmed through an audio that his wife has lost her pregnancy. Catch TV.

“Then I contacted the directors of the San Isidro hospital, I more or less explained the picture to them, and We urgently went to the Maternal and Childhood (hospital) because he advised us,” said Wanda’s father, referring to Miguel Ángel Pereyra, a doctor friend.

Speaking of the hard loss they are experiencing, Alicia Barbasola’s husband said: “It’s horrible, It’s a very bad time but first of all we would have preserved his health; we were fine.”

“I’ve already said We keep looking.” He said he doesn’t lose hope of becoming a father again with his new wife.

Andrés Nara and Alicia Barbasola’s engagement party

last valentine, Andrés Nara is engaged to model and actress Alicia Barbasolawith whom he had been dating for two months, and celebrated in style with a party for more than a hundred people in an exclusive room of the General Pacheco.

Andres Nara and Alicia Barbasola.  Photo: Movilpress

Andres Nara and Alicia Barbasola. Photo: Movilpress

Without the presence of the daughters, Wanda and Zairawho accompanied him at a distance, the media sealed his love with the woman who conquered him at the end of last year.

Then, in early March, Andrés Nara took to his Instagram Stories to deliver the good news that his wife was expecting the couple’s first child.

Andrés Nara when he announced that he would become a father with Alicia Barbasola.  Capture Instagram.

Andrés Nara when he announced that he would become a father with Alicia Barbasola. Capture Instagram.

“Starting to heat our home… And now more than ever! So much happiness does not enter my chest. Excited is shortly after this news that unites us for life. I love you @alibarbasola Thank you for giving me what we want so much,” said Zaira’s father about this news.

Source: Clarin

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