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Fátima Flórez confirmed her separation from Norberto Marcos, her partner of 22 years

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During the summer the rumors rang out again and again: the couple of Fátima Flórez and Norberto Marcos would be going through a difficult crisis to overcome. At that moment, before the journalistic consultation, he denied it and she remained silent. Today, Wednesday, statements a intruders (America, 1:30pm) The actress has confirmed the split.

Fátima Flórez was at the Aeroparque in Buenos Aires, walking in a hurry to embark for Córdoba, where she will perform a series of shows, when she was approached by the camera of the cycle led by Flor de la Ve.

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In principle, when asked about their separation, he stated: “I won’t talk, I can’t talk.” The comedian has clarified that she only wants to publicly refer to matters related to her work and not matters from her personal life.

Fátima Flórez began by saying that she would not talk about her personal life, but she ended up admitting her break with Norberto Marcos.  Catch TV.

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Fátima Flórez began by saying that she would not talk about her personal life, but she ended up admitting her break with Norberto Marcos. Catch TV.

However, at the insistence of the reporter, he admitted: “Yes, we are at an impasse.” “I don’t like to talk about my private life, but we’re at an impasse“, He added.

Fátima Flórez: “Things happen in every couple”

When they asked if the breakup was on good terms, Fatima replied, “It’s on very good terms, there was no arguing or yelling or work disagreements. Things happen in any couple, there can be an impasse and that doesn’t mean we get along badly, like any couple in the world.”

“And how any couple that can fray, find themselves at an impasse and then can be reassembled… Only God knows”, he added, leaving open the possibility of a future reconciliation.

Referring to the problems that would lead to the separation, Fatima stood up: “These are very delicate topics to talk about and I won’t talk about them here.” “We are both very good and they will never hear us speak ill of each other,” she said as she walked briskly to board the ship for Córdoba.

Fátima Flórez: "We are at an impasse and then we can put it back together... Only God knows."  Catch TV.

Fátima Flórez: “We’re at an impasse and then we can put it back together… Only God knows.” Catch TV.

The question about the reasons for the break arose from the persistent rumors according to which there would be great differences between them in terms of economic management and certain professional projects since Norberto Marcos is also its producer.

Indeed, inside Show Partners (El Trece, at 10:30) they said that Fatima was unaware of the money she was earning and that everything related to the financial aspect of her work would be in the hands of her hitherto partner.

“Norberto wanted Fátima to be part of a program that is about to be broadcast, LOL, with Susana Giménez driving and she refused. He saw an opportunity for international work expansion, since it would appear on the Amazon Prime platform,” they said, at the time, in the aforementioned El Trece cycle in reference to the reality show that recently debuted on Amazon Prime Video.

Norberto Marcos and Fátima Florez when they celebrated 20 years as a couple.  Now they are separated.  Photo archive.

Norberto Marcos and Fátima Florez when they celebrated 20 years as a couple. Now they are separated. Photo archive.

“Another of the problems that has generated tension is that Fatima does not manage money, she is unaware of her income and has come to ask if she had enough money for modest expenses. But what ended up breaking the connection are the letters, documents of Metro Goldwyn Meyer for plagiarism. And the impersonator now doesn’t have a green card, which makes it very tense,” they said in Show Partners.

On this subject of the green card, Fátima was consulted by a reporter during her stay at the Aeroparque and she denied that it was true.

Source: Clarin

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