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Cami Homs spoke after rumors of a crisis between Rodrigo De Paul and Tini Stoessel

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It’s been days the rumor that Martina “Tini” Stoessel and Rodrigo De Paul would split, something that none of the protagonists has yet denied or confirmed.

For this reason, a show partners (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 10:30) went to look for the word of cami homsex footballer of the Argentine national team, who was surprised when the chronicler of the cycle Rodrigo Lussich and Adrián Pallares told him about this explosive version.

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“It turned out that now they would be close to Rodrigo, because he would be in crisis with Tini. Do you have any idea?” asked the journalist. And Cami condemned: “No, I have no idea.”

Cami Homs opens up about Tini Stoessel and Rodrigo De Paul split rumors.  Catch TV.

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Cami Homs opens up about Tini Stoessel and Rodrigo De Paul split rumors. Catch TV.

“Good, but the networks speak… Tini was referring to ‘when they break your heart’…”, insists the reporter. “Oh, I’m finding out now. I swear,” Cami assured.

And then he detailed how his relationship is currently with the father of his children, Francesca (4 years) and Bautista (1 year): “There is nothing new, everything is as always.”

For her part, Cami referred to photos in which she can be seen very close to Estudiantes de La Plata footballer and former Argentina international José Sosa in bowling Afrika, in late March.

“As a girlfriend? No! That’s a lot. I met him recently, yes, but it has nothing to do with it. From a photo that came out, he was tackling They said I was getting married and nothing to do”, clarified the model. Of the photo, she explained, “I was talking, who doesn’t talk to another person in a bowling alley?”

Yanina Latorre has denied rumors of a crisis between Tini Stoessel and Rodrigo De Paul

In THEY (America, Monday to Friday at 20:00), Yanina Latorre denied the versions of parting between Tini and De Paul. “They are not separated, the problem is that he lives in Spain and she travels the world”assured the speaker, close to the singer’s family.

Rodrigo DePaul and Tini Stoessel.  Photo: Instagram (Files).

Rodrigo DePaul and Tini Stoessel. Photo: Instagram (Files).

“They haven’t been together for a month and haven’t sent any photos on Instagram… I don’t know… but you don’t see a relationship on Instagram,” said Yanina, who maintained that In the next few days Tini will travel to Spain and will stay “a month” with De Paul.

And then he referenced Tini’s words in a recital that featured a love breakup theme: “He talked about a song he dedicated to his ex. That heartbreak is from the past. He’s not talking about Rodrigo, he’s talking about another”he clarified.

Source: Clarin

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