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The immersive experience of Real Self returns, in a new space

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Paramount launches new multipurpose space at Paramount Arena and opens with True Self, the show that in 2022 had already been presented in Buenos Aires with great success. Regard an immersive human experience where there are no actors and where the protagonist is the audience.

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Defined by its creator, director Javier Drucaroff, as “a device for hearing”, the relaunch of this experience, from April 21st, coincides with the launch of the new multifunctional space which will seek to offer all types of audiences, in vivo experiences more diverse and avant-garde. The space is where the Ronda studios work, Asunción 949, in Martínez.

In every function of True Self, about 220 people put on overalls, gloves and a mask to immerse themselves in total anonymity. From there, the space is filled with mappings, animations and enveloping music so that everyone can experience this mixture of play, show and therapeutic practice in their own way.

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Real Self, an immersive experience to live from anonymity.

Real Self, an immersive experience to live from anonymity.

In this environment, the participants are guided through a voice-over to experience different emotions, which can range from euphoria to deeper reflection. True Self It is a very personal experience and, at the same time, absolutely collective.

art and technology

For its premiere last year, Javier drucaroff He told how the idea for this show came about. “It’s the sum of many experiences throughout my life,” she revealed. Travel, projections, mapping, music are topics that interest him. “I’m passionate about mixing art and technology and ceremonial as well. Everything is united in this show.”

In this sense, the new multifunctional space of over 1,000 square meters is ideal for carrying out this type of experimental show in which many people participate and which require suitable technology.

Real Self invites you to be freer thanks to the anonymity of the masks.

Real Self invites you to be freer thanks to the anonymity of the masks.

“From that anonymity, allow yourself to be real, play for a while at being someone different from who you are every day”, proposes the director and creator. “Therein lies the power of anonymity, at least during the 75 minutes that the show lasts,” he says.

Drucaroff has worked on this type of experiences in the United States, South Africa, India, England and in several Latin American countries, as well as designing structures for Virtual reality and win prizes for them.

The development of this idea was delayed by the pandemic, but at the same time it also served to deepen some concepts. “With the confinement, the need for people to meet again in a real and not a virtual way has re-emerged, and it has strengthened the idea of ​​collective play that the proposal has,” he says.

The proposal is to allow the participant, through an airtight kit of overalls, mask, gloves, boots, all disposable and which can then be taken home, to enjoy the experience in an almost therapeutic way.

“It’s interesting to think that wearing a mask can help us remove the finer ones we live with on a daily basis,” says Drucaroff. The large space, the music and the visual stimuli achieved thanks to the technology invite the participant to exchange with other people, all under the masks, and leave the show, with a feeling of liberation.

Tickets are on sale at

Source: Clarin

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