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Yanina Latorre’s tears listening to Lucas Benvenuto’s words

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Janina Latorre was moved to tears THEY (America, from Monday to Friday at 20:00) after listening live to the moving words that Lucas Benvenuto, the young man who denounced Jey Mammón for sexual abuse of minors, dedicated to him.

In detail, the young man provided a cell phone from Ushuaïacity ​​where he lives, to talk about the Lucio Law, unanimously approved in the Senate in the past few hours, and at the end of the note he thanked the speaker for all the support provided in recent days.

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“Can I say something before saying goodbye? Well, because we talked a lot on the phone (with Latorre) and I wanted to thank them for that”, began by saying Benvenuto, who in the midst of the pandemic brought the driver to justice but his case was not considered because the offenses were prescribed in 2019.

“With Yanina there were many nights when I confessed to her and I want to do it Thank you”indicated.

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And he continued, as the speaker wiped away her tears: “Even a show program is able to carry on these themes and if I ever got angry (at the press) I apologize. It’s for another program. But I’m very grateful.”

Yanina Latorre collapsed listening to Lucas.  Television capture

Yanina Latorre collapsed listening to Lucas. Television capture

After thanking the air, and announcing that he will release his last interview on Sunday and then stay away from the media, Lucas added: “Tomorrow, after so many months of rest, If you need my voice or I can collaborate based on my experience, yes I will be there.“.

And before saying goodbye, he explained: “But I will never speak again as if we were talking about my cases because I really need to get out of here. For me, that’s everything. For that I wanted to thank“.

Yanina Latorre’s words after listening to Lucas Benvenuto’s thanks

“He never finished telling what happened to Jey or anyone else. I promised him I wouldn’t cheat on him and I won’t. There were many evenings like talking to a son, I asked him everything,” explained the speaker.

And she closed, visibly moved: “I admire him deeply and deep down, with all this misfortune, Thank you because I have learned a lot from all of this.”

The speaker said he learned from Lucas.  Television capture

The speaker said he learned from Lucas. Television capture

Why did he prescribe the child sexual abuse case against Jey Mammon?

According to the sexual abuse complaint filed three years ago by Luke Welcomethe facts in question allegedly lasted for years, and began in 2006, when the alleged victim was 14 and Jey Mammón was 30.

For this reason, the National Criminal and Correctional Court No. 3 fired the driver as the deadline for fact-finding had expired. That is the lawsuit prescribed in 2019.

“I’m probably going through the worst time of my life. I’m in shock, I had a concussion and I always take clonazepam to cope,” confessed the former host of Rock of Morphi (Telefe, Sunday at 11:30) to Jorge Rial in the first note he gave to the media after the case came to light.

And he closed, anguished: “It is an atrocity to think that I raped him. The complaint says he knew me when I was 14. I met him when I was 16, at a party in 2009. There are ways to prove it because there are witnesses and videos, even a YouTube link to the party where we met.”

Source: Clarin

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