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Luis Miguel announces a tour with 43 concerts and arrives in Argentina, how to get tickets

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Mexican singer Luis Miguel has announced a 43-concert tour for 2023, which will visit cities in South America, the United States and Mexico.

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The tour will start on August 3 in Argentina (It is not yet known where he will hold the shows), where he will perform three concerts, and will end on December 17 in Mexico, in the city of Guadalajara.

“El Sol de México”, as the singer calls himself, announced his new tour the very day he turned 53.

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In Mexico City, the Mexican singer will perform on November 21, 22 and 24, presumably at the National Auditorium, site of his big evenings.

Louis Miguel.  The Sun King has confirmed the tour for his 53rd birthday.

Louis Miguel. The Sun King has confirmed the tour for his 53rd birthday.

Start in Argentina

The start of the tour will be on August 3 in Buenos Aires. then he will sing here again on the 4th and 6th. It is not yet known how and who will sell the tickets.

Then he will pass through Santiago de Chile, in both cities he will give three concerts.

Subsequently it will move to the United States and will be presented in Las Vegas, Anaheim, San Diego, Los Angeles, Ontario (California), Phoenix, Chicago, Miami, Indianapolis, New York, Tampa, Boston, Washington, Newark, Belmont, Dallas, Houston , San Antonio, Austin and Oklahoma.

In Mexico it will continue in Monterrey, Mexico City, Querétaro, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí, León, Puebla, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Morelia and will end in Guadalajara.

On February 14, in full Saint Valentinethe singer announced the 2023 tour but did not provide details.

Luis Miguel and Paloma Cuevas, his new girlfriend.  Pictures The Grosby group

Luis Miguel and Paloma Cuevas, his new girlfriend. Pictures The Grosby group

Luis Miguel has been in the press due to his latest relationship with Spaniard Paloma Cuevas.

The couple met thanks to the friendship between Luis Miguel and Enrique Ponce, Cuevas’ ex-husband, with whom they shared days of bullfighting and boleros on the farm that the bullfighter has in Spain.

Source: EFE

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Source: Clarin

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