The first photo of Jorge Rial in the clinic in Colombia and how he will return to Argentina

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After the complex heart condition he suffered last Saturday in Colombia, this Monday the first image of Jorge Rial in the clinic Bogotá, where he remains hospitalized. In the meantime, his personal doctor, Guillermo Capuya, has ensured that the driver and the journalist have made up their minds return to the country on a medical planeand estimated when that trip might take place.

The image was revealed in Argentzuelathe program conducted by Rial C5N. “Here it is, Jorge’s thumbs up in the room of the Coronary Intensive Care Unit of the Bogotá clinic,” said journalist Mauro Federico.

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“Jorge can’t speak because they tell him not to get upset, but he’s on his cell phone sending us messages, to the two groups in Argenzuela,” he added.

The first photo of Jorge Rial from the Bogotá clinic where he is hospitalized was broadcast on his C5N Argenzuela program.

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The first photo of Jorge Rial from the Bogotá clinic where he is hospitalized was broadcast on his C5N Argenzuela program.

Program members tried to “analyze” the photograph, the release of which was authorized by Rial himself, according to Federico. They mentioned, among other things, the bottle of water and another drink that the journalist had on a table next to the bed that he occupies in the intensive care unit of the Clínica del Country in Bogotá.

“He will be traveling on a medical plane,” Rial’s doctor said

Guillermo Capuya, Rial’s personal doctor who is in the Colombian capital to follow his evolution, said this Monday evening, again in C5Nthan the radio and television host “He’s recovering well”. “It’s like playing a soccer match, leaving you tired and exhausted,” she graphically represented.

“Now he will have to recover during the rest of his hospitalization in Bogotá and what he has to do in Buenos Aires,” said Capuya.

And on Rial’s return to the country he added: “We are in no hurry and we want him to be in good condition. He won’t ride on a stretcher, travel sitting on the plane. And as a matter of safety and peace of mind for everyone, it will be on a medical aircraft”.

Jorge Rial

Jorge Rial’s doctor told C5N that, “for a matter of safety and tranquillity”, the journalist will return “on a medical plane”.

“I asked him if he preferred an airliner or a medical one, e He told me it would be calmer in the bathroom. And me too. While we think no events will happen, it will be quiet after Saturday’s episode, which was complex,” she commented.

That day, Rial got up with a problem and, as he had a story, went to consult. There they told him they would perform a catheterization. Doctors placed a stent and sedated him.

In this context, while specifying that “the coronary problem has been resolved and now remains to be recovered”, that “there are biological times that must be respected Because if they don’t invoice quickly” and that talking about recovery times “would be reckless”, Capuya slipped when the former Intrusi and Big Brother rider, among other cycles, could return to Argentina.

“We will see the journey tomorrow with more certainty, but I I believe it will be around the weekend”, he warned.


Source: Clarin

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