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Marcelo Corazza replied on the possibility of having to go to prison

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Marcello Corazza, prosecuted without custody and seized for two million pesosfor the crimes of Corruption of minors and obscene performances to children under 13after suffering a legal setback, he replied on the possibility of going to jail. She did so in statements to intruders (America, 1 pm), the cycle conducted by Flor de la Ve.

The judicial setback suffered by the first winner of Big Brother (Telefe) and producer of the latest edition of the aforementioned reality show consists of Judge Javier Sánchez Sarmiento rejected his request for the lawsuit to be barred.

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After being arrested, Corazza was released as the judge deemed there was insufficient evidence that he was part of the illicit association that exploited minors. In any case, the prosecutor Patricio Lugones has appealed to the Chamber, the court which in a few days will decide whether the television producer should be in prison or not.

Marcelo Corazza was approached by Intruders and talked about his legal and work situation.  Catch TV.

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Marcelo Corazza was approached by Intruders and talked about his legal and work situation. Catch TV.

On this subject they consulted Corazza in intruders. The reporter approached him as he entered his house. Without wanting to comment, when asked how he was, he replied: “Better, better. The truth is that good.”

“Emotionally well?” journalist Rafa Juli insisted. “Well, it costs… But to come back…”Corazza hurried to say as he tried to enter his house immediately, and added: “I can’t talk guys, sorry, sorry.”

“According to the prosecutor, he could go back to prison”the Intruder’s chronicler asked him. Powerfully, Corazza stated: “No Chance”.

Marcelo Corazza responded on his situation in Telefe

Determined to conclude his brief dialogue with intruders, Marcelo Corazza started up the stairs as the mobile worker tried to get statements about his current job. “As far as work is concerned, how is your situation with Telefe, if there is an affair?” “We’re talking, guys. Nothing has been resolved yet,” said the producer while admitting he felt “anxiety” about the subject.

It should be remembered that at the time of his arrest, Corazza was working as a producer of the latest edition of Big Brother, led by Santiago Del Moro. Faced with this reality, the station left him “previously suspended”.

Marcelo Corazza is still "preventively suspended" in Telefe.  Catch TV.

Marcelo Corazza is still “preventively suspended” in Telefe. Catch TV.

Marcelo Corazza’s relationship with Telefe goes back a long way. In 2001 he became the winner of the first edition of the reality show that was held on the said channel and soon after that he started working there behind the scenes in various programs.

His most recent performance at the station was related to the location department. And what does it do Big Brotherwas responsible for coordination The debate and was a floor producer at gala evenings. In fact, he worked until Sunday 19 March, the day in which Romina Uhrig was eliminated from the competition.

When it was learned that he had been arrested, Telefe released a statement which was read Telefog News. There, she said the channel was willing to “cooperate with justice” when asked. Furthermore, he indicated that, “as regulated by law”, he had “preventively suspended” Marcelo Corazza until his judicial situation was clarified.

Source: Clarin

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