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Marisa Brel spoke about her health problems and assured that she will take a sabbatical year

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marisa brellthe journalist who in recent months has gained notoriety in the debates of Big Brother (Telefe), surprised her Instagram followers with a post in which He talked about the problems he is going through.

In detail, the speaker of the cycle which was conducted by Santiago del Moro turned to her profile on the aforementioned social network, where she is followed by more than 200,000 users, For open your heart and reveal the difficult time you face.

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“And one day… I exploded. And why not tell about it? Why do we always have to upload perfect posts if that’s not what you’re going through?” Marisa began, next to an image of her in which we see her with the faces of a few friends while measuring blood pressure in her home in Benavídez, Tiger Festival .

And he went on to say: “I’ve come through many personal stormscrying my dog ​​Eva, work problems that our country presents us with imports, which generates many disturbances. And from Friday I started to feel bad”.

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The journalist shared a large text on her social networks talking about her state of health.  Instagram.

The journalist shared a large text on her social networks talking about her state of health. Instagram.

According to the reporter, he had “a lot of them heachache for 5 consecutive days, insomnia, angina and cough.

“And today, after a hard work discussion this afternoon, which I don’t usually do, I felt like my head was exploding. I was with Paloma and Timo (her children) and I called the ambulance because I was scared,” he admitted in conversation with his fans.

Again according to her story, Marisa had “a peak of pressure”. “When the ambulance arrived, when she was already calmer, I was 16.10 while my blood pressure is still 10.7. Always”he assured.

they treated me immediately and they controlled me until I was gradually lowered. Up to 12.9 and here I am. Half dazed and with a headache”specified in this regard.

Marisa Brel with her children.  Photo: Instagram.

Marisa Brel with her children. Photo: Instagram.

“It’s the moment I look at my children and ask myself: is it worth it? My life is more than problems and bad situations. Health is most important of all. The fears of these days have influenced to such an extent that I have no intention of making the trip,” she announced about a flight she planned to take without her children in the next few days.

And revealed: “I will not travel alone accompanied by my fears to an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. I prefer to go alone to the Caribbean or with my children to the place of their choice. This is health. Enjoy life with your loved ones. Family and friends.”

“Health comes first. I’m taking a month off. Or more. What my body, mind and soul need. Because I just want to be a healthy mom,” she added in the final paragraph of her open letter.

Hours later, Marisa uploaded several stories on her Instagram account showing some privacy of her home and closed sadly: “I still don’t feel well but I put in the best wave… I think the pressure He must have lowered me because I have a headache… I am very distressed. I have a problem that makes my life explode and my defenses have collapsed”.

Source: Clarin

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