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Objects, namely the couple of China Suárez and the Professor from La casa di carta

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More Spanish than Argentinian, not only because it was mainly filmed in the Iberian Peninsula, but also because the director, screenwriter and several cast members are Hispanic. Objects It’s a thriller with the weird twist that makes it appealing. And one of them is Alvaro Morte, the protagonist of The robbery of money.

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Who was The Professor in the Netflix series here is Mario, who is in charge of a lost and found office. And while he is concerned with repairing what falls into his hands, he also serves the public. You can receive a lady who has lost an umbrella and wants to get a better one than the one she lost. Or you can examine a luxury suitcase, rescued from the bottom of the river, and find a baby dress there.

And human remains of a newborn baby.

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The film is a combination of thriller and drama.  Photo: Pampa Film

The film is a combination of thriller and drama. Photo: Pampa Film

Mario also usually receives a visit from a police officer, Helena (Verónica Echegui, da explode, explodethe film inspired by the songs of Raffaella Carrá), and when he understands that the Police, after the obligatory visit of a superior, after his admonishment, will do nothing to investigate the story, the identity of the child and how the bottom has reached some water, well, he’ll start investigating himself.

And one of the turning points of the screenplay is that Mario has, perhaps, in one of those, his reasons for doing so.

Alvaro Morte, The Professor in "La casa di carta" and a different role.

Alvaro Morte, The Professor in “La casa di carta” and a different role.

We don’t reveal why Mario reaches a prostitution ring that operates in a luxury hotel and discovers that it is Sara (the china suarez) who gave birth to that child at the time. But what Sara didn’t know was that he was dead.

From there, the plot of Objects -which makes things similar to women transformed into objects- will become, more than a detective, an unthinkable thriller. And Mario’s actions annoy more than one, especially when he saves Sara from the criminal organization.

China Suárez is Sara, in the midst of trafficking in women.

China Suárez is Sara, in the midst of trafficking in women.

Unexpected visit

But we have said that Mario receives people in his office, and soon an unexpected visitor will arrive, one who says he is not looking for an object, but a person, he clarifies, beautiful.

Daniel Araz is Ochoa, and he is the only character who unfortunately is embroidered with all the clichés that Natxo López’s script did not give to any of the other protagonists. Ochoa doesn’t allow it to get as close to him as his protagonists The man next door OR The longest night: looks more like FranklinFor example.

Daniel Aráoz, another Argentinian in the film.  Selva Alemán also performs.

Daniel Aráoz, another Argentinian in the film. Selva Alemán also performs.

But the twists, the unexpected, are what it does Objects not stagnate, that the character of Death grows sequence after sequence and the rest of the characters accompany him.

Director Jorge Dorado, who comes from television, shows a good pulse to give liveliness to action scenes, and drama to those that require it.

Mario, the character of Alvaro Morte, is not having fun...

Mario, the character of Alvaro Morte, is not having fun…

On the Argentine side, in addition to Suárez, who seems to have more luck in the cinema with roles -in terms of construction- than those offered and accepted on television- and Aráoz, Andy Gorostiaga appears, seen in the recent Three brothersand Selva Alemán, precise and comfortable as always.


Drama/Suspense. Spain/Argentina, 2022. 100′, SAM 16. From: Jorge Dorado. With: Alvaro Morte, China Suárez, Verónica Echegui, Daniel Aráoz, Andy Gorostiaga. Rooms: Cinépolis Avellaneda, Norcenter Showcase.

Source: Clarin

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