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Tamara Pettinato shared information about the lawsuit in which her brother Felipe is involved

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Tamara Pettinato shared official information on her Instagram account about the cause for which the doctor’s death is being investigated Melchor Rodrigo during the fire that took place on May 16, 2022 in the apartment of his brother Felipe Pettinato, who was involved in the trial.

Until a few days ago, Felipe was hospitalized at the Eira Foundation following treatment to recover from his addictions. When he was discharged, journalistic concerns arose about his procedural situation in the cause of the neurologist’s death.

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Tamara Pettinato: "Wanting to dirty Felipe won

Tamara Pettinato: “Wanting to dirty Felipe won’t solve anything. May Justice do its job with prudence and professionalism”.

Now, Tamara has referred to the matter on Instagram, where she shared the link to the official statement from the Prosecutor’s Office and wrote: “As everyone knows, Usually I don’t talk about the lawsuit, nor about the work the prosecutor is doing on the case involving my brother Felipedespite the atrocities which, unfortunately and since last week, we tend to hear and read every day”.

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And he added: “Wanting to dirty Felipe won’t solve anything. May Justice do its job with prudence and professionalism as it has done”.

“I want to highlight the Communiqué of the Criminal and National Criminal Prosecutor’s Office No. 25 of last week, which few media have disseminated, with some pertinent clarifications on the different journalistic versions that have been generated, which had nothing to do with the content of the lawsuit Thank you all,” Tamara closed her post.

What does the public prosecutor’s statement say that is investigating Felipe Pettinato?

The official document begins by saying: ” Faced with the journalistic publications that have emerged these days which, in some cases, raise questions on the conduct of the investigation into the death of Dr. Melchor Rodrigo, the National Criminal and Penitentiary Prosecutor’s Office n. 25, headed by prosecutor Martín Mainardi, deems it appropriate to make some clarifications”.

Neurologist Melchor Rodrigo died in the fire that broke out in Felipe Pettinato's apartment.

Neurologist Melchor Rodrigo died in the fire that broke out in Felipe Pettinato’s apartment.

And he continues: “On May 16, 2022, Rodrigo was in Felipe Pettinato’s departmentlocated at 2300 Aguilar Street in the Belgrano neighborhood of Buenos Aires, when a fire broke out which caused his death“.

“For this reason, what is being investigated is fire followed by death, which includes, how criminal hypothesesfrom an iunintentional fire which had that consequence (the death of a person) to those who have been intentionally provoked and which had the same consequence, or which was an intentional death and was committed by means of fire,” the statement read.

Felipe Pettinato's apartment after the fire.  Photo judicial sources.

Felipe Pettinato’s apartment after the fire. Photo judicial sources.

Times of justice

With regard to the processing times for the case, the press release explains: “The representation of the Public Prosecutor’s Office indicated that the time taken by the investigation is connected to the need to promptly carry out all the measures and procedures established, in order to obtain the greatest possible number of tests.

To leave no room for doubt, the text underlines that “in this sense the prosecution has indicated that the investigative process has never been paralyzed“.

The procedural situation of Felipe Pettinato

Felipe Pettinato and his sister Tamara.  Photo archive.

Felipe Pettinato and his sister Tamara. Photo archive.

With regard to the procedural situation of Felipe Pettinato, the press release states: “From the first results of the investigation whichThe possibility that he was called as a witness has been ruled out (for the guarantee that protects citizens from self-incrimination)”.

Having made this clarification, the text continues: “In that order of ideas, their procedural status is subject to the conclusion of the investigationwhich will allow the prosecution to define the hypothesis of what happened, the typicality of the adequacy and responsibility of Pettinato for the purposes of a possible indictment”.

“The MPF added that, without prejudice to this, Pettinato appeared in the investigation, has appointed a lawyer to represent him and can exercise his rights when he deems it necessary,” the statement read.

How does Felipe’s dismissal change his procedural situation? The statement deals with that specific issue.

He expresses it thus: “The representation of the MPF has also indicated that thePettinato’s hospitalization and medical discharge from a mental health clinic do not change his role in the investigation They do not alter – nor have they altered – the goal that the prosecution had set itself from the beginning, in terms of concluding the investigation and therefore deciding on the case.”

Felipe Pettinato celebrated his medical discharge with his family after a year in hospital.

Felipe Pettinato celebrated his medical discharge with his family after a year in hospital.

“Similarly, in relation to a possible expert opinion on the suspect, the Prosecutor underlined that, for the moment, it was not necessary to do it ex officio, nor was it required by his lawyer or by the complaint”, adds the text. .

In reference to the versions according to which the doctor who died in the fire had traces of hydrocarbons on his legs and that this would indicate that he had been sprayed with fuel, the Public Prosecutor’s Office denied them.

“It does not agree with the findings of the expert reports, but rather is due to a free interpretation made on the results of a chemical study which indicated the presence of remains of ‘aliphatic hydrocarbons’ in all samples analyzed and obtained from various locations of the event” read the text.

Source: Clarin

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