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What will happen at the “Big Brother” galas in the midst of the holidays: how they will present themselves, day by day

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When he made the decision to publish it in the second week of December, Telefe knew that the second and third Big Brother elimination galas would fall in the middle of the holidays. Despite this, he decided to move forward by placing it on the grid in the final stretch of the year. But, with the idea of ​​not losing audience, given that Sunday tends to have one of the peak ratings for the Running of the Bulls reality show, has decided to change its issuing dynamics.

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AS, This Wednesday, starting at 10.30pm, we will know what the candidates’ partial license plate will look like.. And it is partial, given that on Thursday the new leader of the week, Martín, will have the opportunity to save a teammate and unilaterally insert another.

And the second eliminated this season, therefore, instead of leaving the house on Sunday he will do it on Monday 25th, in the middle of Christmas night. And, on Sunday 24th, at the Eliminatory Gala space There will be a Spying on the House special: DirecTV DGo will air at 11:15 pm, toasting the house.

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But the episode will open at 10pm, with the broadcast of a show by Abel Pintos.

This is his presentation as part of the America Rockstar festival, which took place on the Rambla del Club del Golf, in Montevideo, where he sang in front of more than 40,000 people.

Fury is becoming the most televised character in the house.  Will he step to the plate this Wednesday?Fury is becoming the most televised character in the house. Will he step to the plate this Wednesday?

The following week the date shift will be repeated: Wednesday 27th there will be the nominations gala, Thursday there will be the plaque rearrangement evening, Sunday 31st there will be a special Espionage… AND The third eliminated will leave the house on the first day of 2024.

After Cordobano’s departure Hernan Ontivorothe house was very divided, with one group led by Isabella (the eldest of the participants) e Sabrinaand with another heading of Angercontroversial and television character that last Sunday the public decided to save.

Is Isabel the new Alpha?

The comparison game is inevitable. Almost, one might say, it starts from the beginning Big Brotherway back in 2001. Every time an Argentine edition of the reality show starts We want to see what about the old participants who have just entered the house. Who plays a game similar to that of the great strategist Gaston Trezeguetwho has something Marianella Mirra you hate Viviana Colmenero, to name a few who have left their mark. Therefore, finding similarities in two seasons of the same year is easy. And, after all, if someone who joined on Monday the 11th introduced himself to his colleagues as the new one…

Alfa and Isabel, the two oldest of each season: 2022/2023 and 2024.Alfa and Isabel, the two oldest of each season: 2022/2023 and 2024.

Yes, something like the new Alfa, in the words of Isabel de Negrithat as the days go by we see things about Walter Santiago, the participant who did not reach the final but was, without a doubt, the most televised of all those who competed in the GH 2022/2023.

In principle they are linked by the fact that each is the oldest in the group compared to the litter of “little brothers” that they had to integrate. Alfa entered its 60th year and blew out its 61st candles inside the house. It was, until then, the greatest actor of all the Argentine editions of Big Brother (running from Sunday to Thursday, on Telefe).

Isabel is 65 years oldhe was already encouraged to wear an Alfa-style bandana – the veil was his distinctive aesthetic sign – and in the first days he mentioned it several times and for a long time.

Isabel confessed that she likes younger men.  There will be one Isabel confessed that she likes younger men. Will there be an “expedition” with Licha, 33?

They don’t know each other, but The connection for most reality TV fans was immediate.. Not only because of her age, but because of the role she has begun to play in the home. Without title or name, He took over the kitchen, one of the places where his “soul mate” belonged.. In these seven days of the program, she was seen cooking, cleaning, preparing dishes, handling food. With almost the same energy as the Alfa.

Also, this Monday she they went to the supermarket to take advantage of the little budget they have for the whole week: the 22 participants – now 21 remain, after the elimination of Cordoban Hernan OntivoroSunday, with public vote – They have failed the weekly test and have half the “money” at their disposal..

Alfa and Romina, Isa and Licha

But she, Like Alfa, she is not alone in command of the kitchen. Just as he immediately formed a duo with Romina Uhrig -the former Kirchnerist deputy with whom, after several months of living together, he had a strong argument- and they wonderfully shared the culinary tasks, Isabel found Lisandro Navarro (Financial advisor, 33 years) an ally who not only doubled him in the kitchen, but was the one who sat down the entire group to ask for collaboration and common sense in the distribution of tasks. Soul of a leader.

The evening he entered the house: he immediately showed his uninhibited soul.The evening he entered the house: he immediately showed his uninhibited soul.

Just for “the interior” as for “the outside”, Alfa and Romina were like the newlyweds at home, parents of the “creatures,” many of whom couldn’t even cook a hard-boiled egg. Here, There seems to be a lot of chemistry between Isabel and Licha, and despite trying too hard at Sunday’s gala, Santiago del Moro couldn’t confirm from their mouths whether there was something more. between two.

But the cameras show both They turned to a game of seduction. Furthermore, they are the first to get up and have breakfast while chatting about their stories. AND they console themselves and contain each other with hugs and cuddles.

The hot grandma

Isabel was born in Punta Alta, ha much of her body tattooed, she is a wine consultant and a taekwondo instructor.

He says he’s single She has two children and a grandson whom she raised alone.. She confessed it she likes younger men about her and that, in fact, she was dating a boy her daughter liked.

Has a son hospitalized, a situation about which he has not revealed much for now, but he told Lisandro that it is due to “addictions”. On the other side of the house, Some controversy has already been generated around him since the version circulating online according to which the hospitalization would be linked to the management inherent to the inheritance. of Isabel’s husband.

Isabel de Negri was one of those who heated up the dance floor at Friday's party.Isabel de Negri was one of those who heated up the dance floor at Friday’s party.

As soon as he entered, many of the girls – especially the Uruguayan Rosina – They adopted her as a foster mother, something similar to what had happened with Alfa compared to the other younger participants.

Far from moving like “an old lady, which I am”, at the Friday party She was seen dancing hot choreography.

The Alfa wasn’t that hot, but also played a game of conquest in the midst of reality in which the differences, as the days pass, can become accentuated or diluted. And they can too hang out with the old inhabitants locked within those four walls.

Source: Clarin

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