American actor vin Diesel era accused this Thursday from a woman who says she worked as his assistant and suffered a sexual violence In 2010 during the filming of Five quickthe fifth chapter of the saga Fast & Furious.
In the document presented to Los Angeles Superior Courtthe appellant Asta Jonasson ensures that the Hollywood star He groped her, kissed her forcefully and masturbated in front of her in a hotel room in Atlanta, Georgia.
“Jonasson continually struggled to free himself from his grasp, repeatedly saying no”, but Vin Diesel ignored the woman’s “non-consent”, who closed her eyes “trying to dissociate, wanting the attack to end”, as specified in the complaint.
According to the victim’s testimony, the incident occurred a week after Diesel and his production company, One Race Productions, hired her to shoot the film. Also She assured that she was fired the day after the attack.
The woman also sued Productions of a competition former president of the company and sister of Diesel, Samantha Vincentwho, according to her, had been instructed to call her to fire her from her job.
“It looked like it was a piece of rubbish that needed to be thrown away. “He felt helpless, his self-esteem had been demolished, and he questioned his abilities and whether a successful career would require trading his body for a promotion,” the lawsuit continues.
Jonasson dismissed the case under the California Sexual Assault and Coverup Liability Lawactive since January, which gives victims of sexual violence a three-year period to file lawsuits against their attackers and accomplices, even if the crime has expired.
In addition to the sexual assault charge, the lawsuit also alleges gender discrimination, wrongful termination, retaliation and negligent supervision.
“Let me be very clear: Vin Diesel categorically denies this accusation in its entirety.“said attorney Bryan Freedman In a statement released by Variety.
And he concluded: “It is the first time I have heard of this accusation from more than 13 years ago presented by an employee who allegedly worked 9 days. There is clear evidence that completely refutes these crazy accusations.”.
Source: Clarin