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What the third Big Brother elimination left behind: a prophecy coming true, disappointment, celebrations and street shouts

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Monday evening at a new gala, Santiago del Moro (45) announced that Williams López was the new one eliminated from the house of Big Brother (Telefe). This The public decision fulfills a strange prophecy that fans of the show discovered on X (formerly Twitter).

The thing is ““El Paisa” left the house in tears and the anguish of his companions. She came out with 41.3% of the votes, while Juliana “Furia” got 37.3% and Lisandro 21.4%.

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As shown on Telefe, Williams’ colleagues were very dismayed by this decision of the people, because they considered him a good boy, very calm. In fact, the participant ended up in a conflict due to a clash with “Furia” and not because of his vote.

As López left the house, The “little brothers” hugged each other and cried over their friend’s departure., but Juliana was not seen among them. Sabrina would later reveal that, according to her, the controversial participant was at the door of the confessional, ready to do it make a spontaneous application.

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Licha was shocked to tears by Williams' departure.  Television captureLicha was shocked to tears by Williams’ departure. Television capture

It should be remembered that the first eliminated of this edition was Hernán Ontivero of Cordoba and the second Axel Klekaylo. It’s inside There is a photo taken during the first gala that reveals the identity of those leaving the house.

As the journalist Fede Bongiorno tweeted in the image You can see Hernán, Axel and Williams sitting one behind the other on the left side of the sofa. Behind them are Alan and Martín, will they be the next eliminated?

The truth is that this week It remains to be seen who will be the leader of the house. Meanwhile, Martín was out of competition due to a sanction Big Brother after having announced with many of his allies who he intended to save and nominate for having won the previous test.

From what Martín, Licha, Sabrina and Denisse told in the kitchen after the departure of “El Paisa” It is assumed that it is necessary to bring someone strong to the plate of their group, called by themselves the “Roman Empire”. Some players like Alan, “Manzana” or “El Chino”, to be able to get Juliana out.

Juliana "Furia" Scaglione is the participant targeted by members of the "LJuliana “Furia” Scaglione is the participant targeted by members of the “L’Impero Romano” group. Television capture

The cry dedicated to Licha that was heard early in the morning

After Williams’ elimination, Emma, ​​Lisandro, Zoe, Rosina and Martín They were sitting on the balcony overlooking the patio of the house. Big Brotherwhen a scream coming from outside surprised them.

While there was talk of the departure of “El Paisa”, the he was interrupted by a loud warning from a fan of the program who turned to Martínez to leave a strong message to Licha.

The woman, who later identified herself on Twitter as elihe shouted: “Licha, you’re next.” In reference to the fact that he would be the next one eliminated from the program.


“Licha, you are next,” Big Brother fans assured the participant.

From the production they immediately turned up the volume of the music so that nothing could be heard anymore and The “little brothers” claimed to have only heard Lysander mentionedbut not what follows in the sentence.

Anyway, It is not known whether they told the truth or whether they clearly heard what he said. this person but they chose to ignore him.

Meanwhile, on the social network X, a woman together with the user @bancandoamarcos took up the cry and tweeted: “I shouted: “Licha, you are next” but it was not heard. “I never shout ‘next’ again, it doesn’t come out.”

Fury’s celebration after Williams’ elimination

For his part, after this Monday’s gala, Giuliana “Furia” Scaglione celebrated as usual the fact of not being eliminated GH. How did it happen? Diving into the pool topless!

In detail, the stuntwoman went out onto the patio of her house and dived into the pool amidst screams of excitement. “Thank you crazy, thank you, thank you”shouted the controversial player.

Source: Clarin

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