After confirming their relationship online, after long months of strong rumors, Nicola Occhiato (31) declared all his love Peña jasmine flower (29) on air Luzu TV.
In detail, the former teammates and champions of the Dancing 2019 They debuted this Tuesday with a new streaming cycle, A churrito in the morning (Luzu TV, 8 am), and they confirmed to their listeners what many had long suspected: that they are dating.
Although during the airing of this cycle Flor and Nico never said the words that their followers expected to hear, such as: that they are a couple or that they love each other, since they both They appealed to the irony and humor that characterize them to refer to the relationship that they no longer hide.
First of all, both referenced the photo of the two of them walking along the coast went viral this weekend. Meanwhile they revealed that they have been living together since December 29th Pinamarwhere they will spend the summer season working for Luzu TV.
Additionally, they both provided details on what it was celebrate New Year’s Eve with their familieswho traveled to the aforementioned spa town from Buenos Aires to accompany them in this special stage of their lives.
The new program ended with tubes on both sides and also a joke from the pilot and influencer born in La Matanza who says who were like “Monica and César”of the famous pilot duo composed of Mónica Cahen D’Anvers and César Mascetti.

However, once you get started Nobody says anything, Momi Giardina He didn’t stop insisting on confirming the relationship with the correct words, so Occhiato launched: “I fell in love like I never thought I would in my life!”
Visibly moved and with tears in his eyes, She replied: “Yes, it’s those things that you choose but they happen and you take charge of them, so it’s like this: if we stay together”.
Among the applause of her colleagues, the dancer also expressed: “I do not understand anything. I had been watching it for five years and it was another connection…”
News in development
Source: Clarin