This came to light last weekend Ezequiel “Pocho” Lavezzi He had been admitted to a clinic with the aim of fighting his addictions. Faced with this dramatic situation, in the last few hours, there were those who had the strength to talk about it Eduardo ScrepanteYanina’s father, ex of the footballer.
“I don’t know anything about him other than what I see on television, but I feel sorry for him because he’s a kid, he has a teenage son and he stopped being an athlete a long time ago,” said the model’s father. she began by saying in dialogue with Juan Etchegoyen Mitra live (Radio Mitra).
Yanina and Lavezzi ended their romantic relationship five years ago and not on the best terms. That’s why Eduardo doesn’t have the best memory and is left with a boring image of his ex-son-in-law.
“I’ve never seen him consume anything but people change.. She has brothers, she has a mother, she has a son, she has everything. I honestly feel sorry for him because deep down he’s not a bad person,” Ezequiel’s ex-father-in-law admitted.
“He was a generous guy even if he wasn’t with my daughter, he wasn’t generous but I don’t want to get involved in relationship issues. They did not separate on good terms and besides my daughter there were other situations involving his couples that did not end well”, he added.
Then he referred to the struggle that Lavezzi is facing against addictions: “No one points a gun to your head to consume. He hasn’t been good to my daughter lately because she didn’t deserve what he did to her. She has never been unfaithful and Yanina behaved very well, she did not deserve treatment like the one she got.”

For his part, he revealed that he had never witnessed any situation in which the former footballer had interacted with drugs in front of him: “I’ve never seen him consume anything but five years have passed and people change in a week I wish him the best and hope he moves on, I’m very sad. I understand that it is very difficult to go out and I also understand that he did not want to be hospitalized and the family hospitalized him. It seems that he signed a document to do treatment.

“I thought that after what happened to him in Punta del Este, when they took him away on a medical plane and his brother uploaded a half-gloomy photo in a fetal position with half yes and half no, who knows how many substances he took? or that he continued to take it, I didn’t think he would do it again. “Poor boy, he fell to pieces.”he concluded, decisively.
Concern for Ezequiel Lavezzi’s health: what his son said
Last Saturday, Ezequiel Lavezzi was hospitalized in the afternoon in a medical center in Buenos Aires after suffering a new health crisis.
Tomás, his teenage son, has arrived at the crossroads of some journalistic versions that have emerged in recent days and claims that the former Argentine national footballer “is well and is being treated”.
“Stop making things up that aren’t true. He doesn’t have an overdose or anything they say,” the 18-year-old said in an Instagram story he posted early Sunday morning.
For his part, in very morning (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 9) delved into the topic and added more information about it: “The mother and son are devastated. A friend of the couple told me that Yanina Screpante knew nothing about their addictions. But I noticed him strange, with sometimes bad attitudes,” said Majo Martino.

“In Punta del Este he got hurt after saying things to the sky, a little crazy. He injured himself with the scissors, he didn’t stab himself, but his brother had to hold him back. It was a meeting,” added journalist Lucas Bertero.
“They couldn’t get him on the plane in Punta del Este, that’s the truth,” they revealed in the series hosted by Carmen Barbieri. “The son is very bad. They saw him sleeping peacefully and it gave them that feeling of love. There was no overdose, but the situation is very serious due to the drug problem. “He signed to be admitted,” Martino said.

“There are people who don’t accompany,” Carmen revealed. “They sat him down and told him to sign. He is hospitalized. A footballer friend gave me the information,” clarified Bertero.
Source: Clarin