Home Entertainment Surprising photos of Federico Bal’s accident in Brazil are well known

Surprising photos of Federico Bal’s accident in Brazil are well known

Surprising photos of Federico Bal’s accident in Brazil are well known
Surprising photos of Federico Bal’s accident in Brazil are well known

Ten days ago, Fede Bal suffered an accident that nearly cost him his life. The actor is driving Other parts of the world (El Trece, Saturday at 11 pm), when he overturned along a motorized paraglider and sustained serious injuries. This Saturday, in the travel cycle, they showed shocking photos of the moment where the technical failure occurred and Fede fell.

“With this new special, we can live one of the most dangerous adventures of my life, Step by step. It’s one of the most surprising experiences I’ve had to live because, sometimes, when everything seems to be going well, the higher your vibration, the more exposed you are, ”the driver said at the beginning of the program.

“The thing is this: they invited us to enjoy the best sunset in Paraty, to see it from the sky with the best light. It’s very hard to refuse such a plan, because an adventurer who is not in danger will also not win”, He recounted.

Fede recounted what the motorized paragliding flight would be like.

Fede recounted what the motorized paragliding flight would be like.

“Have you ever seen, before doing something dangerous, they tell you that nothing will happen? What is a chance in a million? Well, now I’m the only possibility. We got in Nicolás ’van towards the runway where these motorized paramotors, or rather paramotors, took off,” he continued in a low voice as the images came out.

Regarding motorized paragliding, he explained that they are “flying devices consisting of an open cabin, relatively rustic, with a large propeller in the rear, which acts as an impulse when the giant sail, which serves as the wings spread thanks to the wind”. “I was so happy and a little nervous,” Bal said.

The moment of the accident where they come back through a hole in the ground and a gust of wind.

The moment of the accident where they come back through a hole in the ground and a gust of wind.

And they aired the driver’s meeting with the driver of said vehicle, a man of 26 years who has been making this kind of experience.

There will see Carmen Barbieri’s son preparing to go out while on off she said that “I had a hunch something was wrong.” The first takeoff attempt was unsuccessful because the glider was engulfed by the cameraman, but they tried again nonetheless.

Fede's exposed fracture.

Fede’s exposed fracture.

At that moment, when they tried to fly, a gust of wind and a hole in the ground caused the paraglider to overturn and unable to fly. The horrible reversal caused a fracture in Fede’s arm that screamed “My arm was broken, someone made me a tourniquet.”

“Don’t worry, nothing happened,” said a woman who helped him. “I saw the bone of my arm outside as I had a lot of blood coming out. They took me to the municipal hospital holding me because the only thing holding me was my skin, “Fede explained.

Bal in the ambulance transferred to Rio de Janeiro to undergo an operation.

Bal in the ambulance transferred to Rio de Janeiro to undergo an operation.

With the man flying the paraglider, who accompanied Bal to the sanatorium, the young man said: “Don’t worry, pare, there is nothing to blame, something happened to you once in twenty years that something happened, and it happened to me. These are the dangers of traveling and being adventurousto live to 100, or to 120 perhaps “,

After the accident, an odyssey began: Fede was transferred in an ambulance from Parati Island to Rio de Janeiro, on a trip that lasted more than 5 hours. There, Carmen Barbieri and her fiancée Sofía Aldrey are waiting for her.

In that locality, Bal underwent successful surgery. “You could have killed yourself and we’re still alive, thank God”said Carmen who was already in the sanatorium room.

Source: Clarin


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