After hospitalization for dehydration, Alberto Cormillot (85) returned to his work in the radio cycle Someone has to say it (Radio Mitre) and told the details of his state of health.
Dialoguing with colleagues, the nutritionist stated: “The truth is this what I had was gastroenteritisI don’t know if it deserved such a big impact. But before the gastroenteritis she had had a wound in her mouth, a canker sore, which had not healed completely, “That’s why I didn’t drink fluids, it hurt a lot.”
Cormillot, hospitalized on Friday 12 January and discharged three days later, continued by saying: “They admitted me and finally in a day and a half I was better, “They treated me very well, phenomenon, and then I was fine.”
“There are two precedents, because I had two courses of antibiotics, for a dental problem, and antibiotics can wipe out the flora, and also I had intestinal surgery, I have a short intestine, so for a person it can have an impact on a much smaller intestine, having half the intestine is different,” he explained.
“The thing is, after 24 hours I rehydrated and I think I didn’t go home because it was Sunday and it’s more complicated”, he explained his evolution.
And then Cormillot underlined the fundamental support received from his current partner Estefanía Pasquini and his youngest son, Emilio: “I took the opportunity to rest and stay with my family, Estefi and Emilio came with me to the hospital. Emilio did very well, even if every now and then they took him out for a walk. But the truth is that there are many very well accompanied calls from people.”

Then, he recounted a moment he experienced with his son during his hospitalization: “At a given moment, Emilio started throwing a tantrum and I told him ‘dad is with grandma’. There he understood that the matter was serious. Children understand everything and it’s incredible how they make themselves understood and start talking, how they repeat everything… If you say a bad word they repeat it back to you.”
Finally he thanked the press for the concern and support of loved ones: “I learned from the media that I was hospitalized, because they were checking me and Estefi said to me: ‘Are you hospitalized?’ How will I be admitted to hospital if they are studying me? ‘Because they called me from different portals because you are admitted to hospital. It seems that someone saw me and thought that was the reason. So many calls from very dear people, I thank everyone, very loving people, relatives. For every call from the press there were 99 calls from people interested in knowing how I was doing.”

Source: Clarin