Amid various rumors about the brand new courtship between Lali Esposito AND Pedro Rosemblatjournalist and presenter streaming broke his silence, although he avoided naming the singer during an interview THEY (America, Monday to Friday at 8pm).
Speculations on the love story between the C5N host and the interpreter of ‘Discipline’ They were born following some images that appeared weeks ago in which both were captured while having dinner in a restaurant by the cameras of the series hosted by Ángel de Brito.
Beyond the friendship that unites them, neither of them had yet spoken about it.
However, Pedro was intercepted by the notary of THEY in the last few hours and was consulted on the photos that were released of them and which were the starting point of all the romance rumors.
“They passed me at the corner. I was on a post and it was a colleague of yours. He was impressive,” assured Rosemblat, referring to the images broadcast by the television program América.
Despite trying to demystify the situation and tone down the labels imposed on his relationship with Lali, the journalist persisted with his questions about the singer. But he, time and time again, redirected the interview elsewhere, since he had no intention of talking about her relationship with the former. Almost angels.
And he explained why: “Whatever I say (about Lali) will be used against me. I think of Milei, of Caputo, but not of those things”, he indicated. Despite the warning, the LAM journalist continued and consulted him on Javier Milei’s statements when he came out to respond to the singer. It was there that yes, Pedro described his alleged girlfriend: “It’s a total cape.”
In this sense Rosemblat accuses Milei: “I understand that a president places himself at the level of an ordinary citizen without institutional responsibilities, It’s not fair because there is an asymmetry of power.”
“We must ask ourselves if the president speaks out against some artist or artists that he believes do not coincide ideologically with him. “An artist has every right to express himself like anyone else.”the political comedian said.
“For him to go out and cross it publicly seems pretty stupid. It seems like it’s something that happens often these days and it seems to me that it’s not a good thing”, he fired, piqued by the President’s attitude.
The LAM reporter, after several attempts to redirect the interviewee to leave him a spicy testimony, quoted the artist one last time: “With Lali there is a beautiful friendship, we can say”. Adept at snapping out of discomfort when faced with questions, the 34-year-old responded: “What I can tell you is that I have a nice feud with Milei.”
How the rumors about the love story between Lali Espósito and Pedro Rosemblat were born
Weeks ago, Vicky Braier, popularly known as Juariu, surprised on social networks by reporting a possible new love story in the world of entertainment: and then warned that it was Lali Espósito and Pedro Rosemblat, who exchanged each other for several days pleases via Instagram.
Days later, LAM obtained the first photos of both of them at dinner in a restaurant in Palermo.
It was the journalist Maite Peñoñori who added further information on the matter: “The neighbors of Rosemblat told me that they had often seen Lali spend the night there, at his house, in Almagro.”
“The other day Maite brought the first photo and now we have the video, of them together on tour in Palermo,” Ángel De Brito said of the material they were about to air.
“They go to the classic restaurants in Palermo,” the driver added regarding the first viral image of them on El Lavorado.
The couple is already appearing in public.
Source: Clarin