This Sunday, January 21st, marks 100 years since the birth of the actor and comedian Benny Hillwho achieved global fame and fortune with the comedy show that captivated audiences for almost four decades with its comedy sketches. slapstickdouble meanings and scantily clad women.
The program, of which he was the main screenwriterit had Hill in nearly every segment and included pre-recorded sketch shorts and live musical numbers.
Physical comedy, parody and double entender were the characteristic traits, which he applied to a wide gallery of characters, always with his round, flushed face with clownish expressions in the foreground.
21 million viewers
In more than 35 years on the air, The Benny Hill Show had various male partners, including Henry McGee, Jon Jon Keefe, Ken Sedd, Nicholas Parsons, Bob Todd and his usual support worker (company) Jackie Wrightremembered for his strong Irish accent and a very short height of 1.50 meters which put his bald head permanently within reach of the program’s caresses.
It also featured voluptuous actresses, almost always playing the object of desire of Benny’s characters, such as Jenny Lee-Wright, Sue Bond, Bettina Le Beau, Lesley Goldie, Cherri Gilham and Diana Darvey.
At its peak, the program was among the most watched in the UK, with an audience of over 21 million people in 1971. It won numerous awards and was acquired for broadcast in nearly 140 countries, including the United States, where it was also nominated for an Emmy.
Galtieri’s censorship
In Argentina it occupied the Channel 11 network from 1983, and continued thereafter when the signal was renamed Telefe.
One fact that proves his popularity is that he is the dictator Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri He ordered it to be removed from broadcasts for being from the “enemy country” during the Malvinas War the previous year, but due to its high rating this did not happen.
The program was then broadcast on Eltrece in the 1990s and later also on Azul TV (now El Nueve). Also in the 2010s he appeared on the cable channel Magazine.
Sad and lonely ending
In 1989 the English no longer followed the program with such fervor and the change of times was reflected in the accusations leveled at the comedian for his sexist humor that objectified women’s bodies.
Benny Hill defended himself and argued that it was actually the characters played by men who were being ridiculed.
In any case, declining ratings and the high costs of producing each episode led Thames Television to cancel the programme.
According to those close to him, his last years were marked by loneliness and sadness. Benny Hill never married or had children. He proposed to at least two women, but they both rejected him. He felt ugly and unloved, as he confessed to his friend, the Australian actress Sarah Kemp.
His greed was of almost pathological proportions. Despite earning millions of pounds, she has never bought a house or car. He avoided buying clothes and mended the clothes himself and glued the soles of the shoes. I only bought the food on offer and walked to work to avoid paying for transportation.
The only thing he dedicated himself to was travelling, and he often went on holiday to France, although he always chose very cheap accommodation.
Strengthened by the success that his program was still enjoying in other latitudes, in the following years he tried to propose it again with a new format, and he had everything ready to return when He died on April 20, 1992.
His health had deteriorated significantly. Some time ago he had had a heart attack and had kidney failure. He died alone, in his rented London flat, at the age of 68..
He was found by his agent, Dennis Kirland, because neighbors told him a strong odor was coming from the house and no one was responding. He had died several days ago from coronary thrombosis, surrounded by dirty dishes.
The fruit of his work of over 40 years was inherited by his grandchildren, with whom he had no relationship.
Source: Clarin