Iliana Calabro She declared this Saturday the bond that unites her to her sister Marina Calabro It’s strictly family. “We are not friends”, underlined the actress in La Noche de Mirtha. In short, it was a new intern chapter among the daughters of the remembered Juan Carlos Calabró.
“And you were friends with your sister?” she asked. Mirtha Legrandhost of the program aired on The thirteenalluding to the latest crossings that the Calabrós have had in recent weeks.
Iliana quickly tried to avoid the situation, although her strategy did not have the desired effect, because the other members of the table made it clear that her answer was of interest to them. “Let’s talk a bit,” asked the reporter. Marcelo Polino.
The eldest daughter of the comedian and actor who created iconic TV characters such as “Johnny Tolengo” and “El Contra” tried to justify her position. “She doesn’t like to talk“, She said.
However, she was interrupted by an imitation of her person by Fátima Florez. “I like it. You have to take your clothes outside, otherwise people don’t understand anything,” parodied the president’s partner, who participated in Saturday’s message because it was recorded. Her intervention was celebrated by the driver.
“I understand He doesn’t like to talk about his private life. We are not friends, because there are sisters who are, like you were with Goldie, who called each other every day, followed each other and the relationship was beautiful. We are not,” Iliana admitted, bluntly, to a table that also included him Raúl Lavie.
Noticing that his guest insisted on the topic of not talking about Marina, Legrand justified his question. “I asked you the question because then they told me ‘why didn’t you ask him’”, Chiqui cuts short.
“She doesn’t like it, she gets uncomfortable. He doesn’t like to talk about her private life and who I am to do it, “Iliana reiterated. And added:“ Last time I echoed something that had appeared in the media. As I told you, we don’t have that relationship as friends.
Mirtha, who said she has a very close relationship with Coca Calabro, mother of the actress and journalist, asked her what the relationship between the two was like when they were younger. Iliana took advantage of her consultation to send a little suggestion to her sister.
“I was more of a ‘mom’ than a sister. I I’m seven years older, even if we don’t show itand if he had problems I would go,” said the person who once became the winner of Cantando por un Sueño.
The recent crossings between the Calabró sisters began last December, when Iliana was a guest of PH: Podemos Hablar. There she made a heartbreaking statement to Marina in front of her cameras: with tears in her eyes, she asked her to get closer to her family.
“I love my sister deeply, I need her presence more and I feel that she has avoided my family since dad left,” revealed the daughter of Juan Carlos Calabró, who died in November 2013.
Days later, Coca Calabró entered the controversy and differentiated the relationship she has with both sisters. “I love Iliana very much, she is unique and unrepeatable,” she said of her eldest daughter. On the other hand, she admitted that “there isn’t a great relationship” with Marina. so much so because she lives further away, but she’s fine, we get along thank God,” she said.
The alleged reconciliation between Iliana and Marina occurred shortly afterwards, on the birthday of the youngest Calabró. After blowing out the candle, Marina took the microphone and touched on the family conflict: “I’m just saying that I’m really happy that Coca and Iliana are here… It’s a nice reunion. We weren’t at odds, but it’s a reunion after a difficult week.”
But the rapprochement lasted just under a month. In January this year Marina and Iliana created sparks again on television after the older of the two had declared in a note that her partner was starting an alleged love affair with her colleague Rolando Barbano.
“I read it out there, in the media. It seems to me that she is dating Barbano,” said the eldest daughter of Juan Carlos Calabró. Marina’s return is full of irony: “We need to get Iliana’s Google, I thought I’d send her a Ludomatic, a Jenga, some postcards so she can have fun and let me go a little.”
This Saturday, in statements to La Once Diez, the journalist observed: “It was a succession of inaccuracies, he connected dots in the air and mixed what he searched for on Google with what he assumed. And on the other hand, it is expected that a brother preserve your privacy, even if it is their guess, it doesn’t matter.”
Source: Clarin