On Wednesday, Lali Esposito He shared a series of photos on his Instagram account and confirmed his courtship Pedro Rosemblat. This has meant that the young man’s name has become a trend on social networks in the last few hours.
Rosemblat is essentially a K militant who began his media journey after gaining notoriety on Twitter (now called X) and Facebook with a profile he created in 2012 and called Pibe Trosko.
That character he built was born after attending a Remembrance Day march with other militant comrades. At the time, Pedro was studying law at UBA, but as time passed he decided to abandon his degree and did not complete it.
On social media his profile began to grow and that’s where he started making micro-humorous appearances in the program hosted by Roberto Navarro on the C5N screen. There, she gained popularity with her character “The Cadet”, which aimed against the management of Mauricio Macri, when he was president of the nation.
Then, with “The Cadet” He would find his mark and from there he was able to build the foundation for his career in the medium. Although he continued to work in television, he performed as his character in several theaters and also toured throughout the country and during the summer season on the Atlantic Coast.
In turn, Rosemblat worked as a journalist at Radio Nacional and also spent time at Radio 10, Radio América, Nacional Rock and Radio del Plata.
He is currently an entrepreneur (he founded the Gelatina streaming channel) and works as a streamer. In fact, he is currently the driver of summer shockwhich can be seen via YouTube and also performs Turns out it’s electrica streaming of interviews and current debates that he hosts with Martín Rechimuzzi.
As for his love life, he met the girlfriend of another actress in the past, before his current relationship with Lali Espósito. The fact is that Pedro had a relationship with Carla Quevedo, known for her role in The secret in their eyes.
In 2023 it emerged that the driver had started a relationship with “La Sophi3″, DJ of the renowned Bresh party, but it did not end well and at the same time he began his relationship with Lali.
Pedro Rosemblat’s post regarding the confirmation of Lali Espósito’s love story
After several back and forth and various rumors, Lali Espósito surprised with a post from her holiday in Uruguay and shared a carousel of photos in which she appeared very happy and in love with Pedro Rosemblat.
Although they had already been seen having dinner together and several people had photographed them red-handed in different situations, they had not yet gone white. But in the end they did it through their social networks.
The journalist, after seeing that his new girlfriend had told her millions of followers that she had started a relationship, also used his Instagram stories to confirm that he is dating his ex. Almost angels.
The young man took advantage of the news and, in reference to the DNU, republished the photo and launched: “money laundering bill”. And he accompanied the image with three heart emojis, confirming what was already an open secret.
Source: Clarin