in your program very morning (Thirteen, at 9), Carmen Barbieri I took a moment to publicly apologize Fatima Florez. “It’s a feeling of guilt that will never go away”the driver stated and explained what happened in detail.
It happens that Carmen Barbieri went to visit him Fatima 100% the work that the actress and comedian is doing in Mar del Plata. “Fátima is number one, sold out, what people laugh at is terrible.“said the host very morning while they broadcast his images in the stalls of the Roxy theatre, where the show takes place. .
“That’s what he’s doing to me!” Carmen exclaimed when she saw the image of Fátima Flórez on stage with a portrait of her on set. “She plays many characters in that guise,” she explained, “then she transforms into Mirtha Legrand, into Susana Giménez … she changes continuously on stage,” she said.
Her panelists asked her if she really enjoyed Fátima’s show since it had become public that Carmen had gotten up and left the room before the end.
“I loved him. It seems to me that Fátima is a super 10 artist. And the producer (Guillermo Marín) is fantastic.”
Carmen Barbieri: “Guys, what I say is horrible!”
With complete sincerity, Carmen admitted: “I left before the end… And there were flowers for me!“. Distressed, she added: “Guys, what I’m saying is horrible.. “I taught my son (Fede Bal) that he should never get up from a show, which is the worst thing.”
Subsequently, the host explained why, despite all this, she did not stay until the end of the show. Fatima 100%. “I was constantly looking at my watch and my phone because I knew the end time Extravagant boots (the show starring his son Fede Bal, on another floor of the same theater complex where Fátima is located)”.
“And what did they do with the flowers they had for you?” asked speaker Diego Ramos. “I don’t know,” Carmen replied embarrassed, “luckily Aníbal Pachano was there, who went to give the restitution like a jury… But I missed him.”
Barbieri then explained: “I wrote to Fatima and apologized. I apologized to everyone: To Julián Labruna, who is great, and to (Marcelo) Polino, who is splendid.”
Grateful, Carmen Barbieri told what the producer of Fátima, Guillermo Marín, did: “I was watching the end of Extravagant boots and someone, from behind, touches my shoulder: it was Marín, who brought me the flowers.”
“I felt worse,” admitted Carmen Barbieri. This is never done! “You should never leave before a show.”
“How would you do that to the First Lady?!”, they called her, alluding to the fact that Fátima Flórez is the girlfriend of the President of the Republic Javier Milei. “I know that she is the First Lady and I respect her as such. But I also respect her a lot as an artist. But I left because in the end Extravagant boots“.
Mischievously, the driver of very morninghe asked members of his program: “Am I a very annoying mother?”. “Noooooo!”, they all said ironically, and started laughing.
Source: Clarin